
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

5 Months Old

Baby Woos is 5 months old.  He is such a wonderful baby.

He weighs 19.2 pounds now...and he is getting hair on his head. 

Favorite Things:

Dylan loves to reach for his toys and touching mommy's face.  And I can't forget- he loves pulling on my hair too.

He is super curious about food and what mommy puts in her mouth.  In the morning when I am carrying him and my coffee he opens his mouth wide and goes for my coffee.  Since he is so curious and we were given the doctors okay we also started Baby Woos on cereal at night.  I think he really likes it-- as long as it is warm.  Once it starts to get cold he doesn't want anything to do with it.

Sleep-  Dylan slept all night long two nights in a row but that was very short lived.  He still wakes up 1-2 times a night.  When he wakes he usually isn't up for long but I really hope he goes back to sleeping through the night. 

New Toys-  He loves playing with his cho-cho train and his keyboard that lights up.  In general he loves toys that light up and make noises.  He also loves anything that he can put in his mouth!

We are working on him to sit up on his own and his personal record is 10 seconds.  When he is in sitting position he would much rather put weight on his feet and stand up.

Although he knows how to roll-over from his tummy to his back he really doesn't do it much. He still hasn't rolled over from back to tummy.  Once he realizes he can move better on his tummy I think he will be flipping over more.

He has also finally noticed the dogs and reaches out to pet them... so cute.  Don't worry we are always super close when the dogs are near. 

And as always- he loves his bath time.  We are even starting him outside on the infant seat now.

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