
Monday, August 11, 2014

A little gardening..

Before Picture- Rose bushes and some yellow flower that grows like weeds but I just don't like it.  I hate rose bushes-- sometimes they can look pretty but for the most part they are just big bushes with sharp sharp thorns.

Donnie and I did not have any fun digging these bad boys up but after an evening of jumping on the bushes and pulling and tugging we removed the three bushes... I ended up getting a couple thorns stuck into me but now they are gone.. and hopefully one thorn doesn't scare my arm.

I forgot to take a picture of the garden when it was bare.

Next step:

We kept the two smaller bushes and the tropical looking plant.  I added two sago palms, tropical grasses and two hibiscus plants.  I wanted to get a tropical looking garden.  I know the palms will grow but hoping everything else takes.. trial and error.

Final picture with mulch..

Hopefully everything will take and fill out this bed. 

Now we have two more rose bushes to pull out in the backyard, get rid of the big bush by our front door (its hiding our huge sago palm), plant flowers to grow on back fence, etc... I  would also love to buy a palm to put in our backyard.  Next spring is going to be full of fun yard projects.

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