
Monday, August 11, 2014

A little gardening..

Before Picture- Rose bushes and some yellow flower that grows like weeds but I just don't like it.  I hate rose bushes-- sometimes they can look pretty but for the most part they are just big bushes with sharp sharp thorns.

Donnie and I did not have any fun digging these bad boys up but after an evening of jumping on the bushes and pulling and tugging we removed the three bushes... I ended up getting a couple thorns stuck into me but now they are gone.. and hopefully one thorn doesn't scare my arm.

I forgot to take a picture of the garden when it was bare.

Next step:

We kept the two smaller bushes and the tropical looking plant.  I added two sago palms, tropical grasses and two hibiscus plants.  I wanted to get a tropical looking garden.  I know the palms will grow but hoping everything else takes.. trial and error.

Final picture with mulch..

Hopefully everything will take and fill out this bed. 

Now we have two more rose bushes to pull out in the backyard, get rid of the big bush by our front door (its hiding our huge sago palm), plant flowers to grow on back fence, etc... I  would also love to buy a palm to put in our backyard.  Next spring is going to be full of fun yard projects.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

13 Months

Baby Woos is 13 months old.

He now goes to our nanny during the week.  She watches 4 other children too so Dylan has made some new friends.  He loves going to MiMi's and playing with his friends.  Now he loves playing with his cars, truck, and choo-choo train.

He also loves playing with Calli.  He actually knows which stuffed animals are Calli's and they will play tug a war with her toys.

Dylan LOVES food.  The only food that he doesn't really care for is white potatoes... he doesn't like them fried, mashed, baked, etc.  The only time he enjoyed white potatoes is when grandma made her potato salad.  Today he had mommy's tuna macaroni salad and he loved it.  At MiMi's he gets cookies so after dinner he now gets a cookie and I swear he even says the word cookie now.

Dylan loves to go grocery shopping and go into stores in general.  When we grocery shop he usually munches on fruit or gold fish while we are in the store.  He is so curious as to what everyone is doing.  The other day a ten year old girl was waving to him and he blew her a kiss-- it was so sweet.

Dylan has eight teeth now.  I think some more teeth are going to come in soon but nothing yet.

He knows how to climb up on the furniture but doesn't always know how to get down so it makes it a little nerve wracking.  He also thinks it is super funny to stand up in his rocking chair which is a big NO No.

He loves to look at his books but doesn't usually sit still long enough to read the whole book.

Dylan is a growing boy- 31.75 inches and our scale got lost somewhere in the move so Im not sure how much he weighs-- but he isn't light :)  He is still in 18 months clothes but has grown out of some of the smaller 18 month clothes.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Our new home...Kitchen

We bought our dream home and with every new home it means projects, projects, projects...

First Project to tackle...
Before Kitchen: 
(I wish I had better pictures but didn't think of doing a "before and after" picture until started up blog again.)

After Kitchen:
New Bar Stools to maximize space.  (Old owners just pushed their couch against the bar and didn't even use the bar as "a bar")

New Light Fixtures

 New Stainless Steel Stove and Microwave... before the microwave was just sitting on the counter (where I have the toaster now)


 Plenty of counter space for us to use..

I do want to buy myself a single counter height bar stool but haven't found one I like yet (that you can buy as a single chair).  I enjoy feeding Dylan at the counter but wish I had a stool on my side of the kitchen.`

The kitchen was a pretty easy project since we just finished our kitchen in our old home.  We still want to add backsplash and maybe get a different overhead light but for now our kitchen is finished.  Thankfully, our kitchen came with granite countertops and a deep stainless steel sink with an upgraded faucet.  We also brought our fridge from our old home... the old fridge was stainless but didn't fit under the cupboard so it stuck out far from the wall-- that fridge is now our garage fridge. :)

Monday, August 4, 2014

A few pictues

Baby Woos is on the move.. he is climbing up onto the couch, playing on the bottom two stairs (thankfully we have a gate for the rest), and just being a little dare devil.

He's had some tumbles but nothing too bad. 

We are limiting his bottles so now when you ask him if he wants a baba after dinner and bath he will come running into the kitchen to get his baba.  And forget the nights where I could actually give him his baba.. Baby Woos likes to roll around on the ground with his baba.

...since we are moved into our new home Baby Woos loves the space and he is sleeping very well in his bedroom.  He likes to close the door and play in his playroom by himself sometimes.  He also loves his swing.


.... Daddy bought me a new laptop for my birthday (and as you know we never keep presents til the day we are suppose to) and my blog works well from my new computer so hopefully I will have the time to do updates from time to time :)

Monday, July 14, 2014

1 year

Baby Woos is ONE!

On his birthday he took his first steps and has been walking ever since.  He still loves to crawl but when he wants he will just stand up and walk off instead.

Weight: 25 pounds 12 ounces; 96%
Height: 31.5 inches; 96 %
Head: 19 inches; 96 %

This is the end to the blog... I know I haven't been doing it lately but the software is messing up and it is a pain in the butt to try and get photos to post, etc..



11 months

11 months by pictures...



Monday, May 12, 2014

10 Months

Time is flying by!  I can't believe Baby Woos is already 10 months old.

New Developments:

He is a crawler-- and a FAST crawler.  Sometimes it is the army crawl, sometimes the normal crawl, and now he will do the bear crawl every now and then (crawling on hands and feet with butt in the air).

He pulls up to stand on everything.  Luckily our house has very soft furniture.  He also can walk while holding onto the couch or the table. 

He waves hello and goodbye... just not all the time.  He loves playing with his friend Jake.

He claps his hands!!  The first time he caught me by surprise because I said Yea and then I looked at him and he was clapping his hands and saying yea.  He likes to clap when we play, when he eats, and even sometimes while we nurse.

He loves the water.  We had fun at the ocean and he loves swimming in the pool too.

He picks his nose.  Smacks his mouth with his tongue. And occasionally sucks his thumb.  :)

He is much more active in his crib now too...

Sometimes in the middle of the night when he wakes up he will sit in his crib and play with his sound machine.  When he presses the starfish the ocean moves and lights up.

He weighs 24.6 pounds!!

He loves to go out to eat and try new foods.  He also knows how to throw food and Calli gets her full share of food! 

We are still nursing but usually only in the morning and late afternoon after I pick him up from the sitter or I get home from work.  I am still trying to figure out a good snack food around 3:00 to fill this nursing or bottle time.  He can only have so many puffs and he eats fruit with breakfast, lunch and as dessert for dinner.