
Monday, May 12, 2014

10 Months

Time is flying by!  I can't believe Baby Woos is already 10 months old.

New Developments:

He is a crawler-- and a FAST crawler.  Sometimes it is the army crawl, sometimes the normal crawl, and now he will do the bear crawl every now and then (crawling on hands and feet with butt in the air).

He pulls up to stand on everything.  Luckily our house has very soft furniture.  He also can walk while holding onto the couch or the table. 

He waves hello and goodbye... just not all the time.  He loves playing with his friend Jake.

He claps his hands!!  The first time he caught me by surprise because I said Yea and then I looked at him and he was clapping his hands and saying yea.  He likes to clap when we play, when he eats, and even sometimes while we nurse.

He loves the water.  We had fun at the ocean and he loves swimming in the pool too.

He picks his nose.  Smacks his mouth with his tongue. And occasionally sucks his thumb.  :)

He is much more active in his crib now too...

Sometimes in the middle of the night when he wakes up he will sit in his crib and play with his sound machine.  When he presses the starfish the ocean moves and lights up.

He weighs 24.6 pounds!!

He loves to go out to eat and try new foods.  He also knows how to throw food and Calli gets her full share of food! 

We are still nursing but usually only in the morning and late afternoon after I pick him up from the sitter or I get home from work.  I am still trying to figure out a good snack food around 3:00 to fill this nursing or bottle time.  He can only have so many puffs and he eats fruit with breakfast, lunch and as dessert for dinner.

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