
Sunday, December 29, 2013


This year we had a week long "Christmas." 

Our first Christmas was at our house just Donnie, Dylan, and I the weekend before Christmas.  We opened up gifts from each other and from my mom and dad in NY.  It just made it easier so we didn't have to transport gifts with us just to bring them back.  Next year we won't be so lucky because Santa will be coming to town.

The picture above is when we handed Dylan his  very first present to open while he was sitting on Daddy's lap.  Dylan loved opening his presents with the help of mommy.  He did rip the wrapping paper and then want to chew on it.

Luckily, Nana bought him books that he can chew on. 

He seemed a little overwhelmed with all of the presents and things to look at- but for the most part loved the beginning of Christmas and loved playing with his new toys.

Then on the 22nd we headed up to North Carolina to see the Woosleys.  We left at 7 at night so Dylan slept the entire time except for about 15 minutes.  We had a wonderful time in North Carolina with the family.


We went and saw Santa.  Dylan did such a great job.  He really was more concerned about everything going on around him then with Santa.  Once he did really look at Santa and grabbed ahold of his beard and didn't want to let go.

Dylan really started to sit up on his own a lot this trip. I was happy that Grandma and Grandpa were able to witness such a great milestone.

Since we celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve we left on Christmas day to miss the traffic around 3.  Once we got home we returned to even more presents from Aunt Ann and Uncle Brad.  It was a nice surprise to come home too... they really like to spoil Dyl Pickle.   Dylan was happy to be home too and went straight into his jump-a-roo with a huge smile on his face...he loves his jump-a-roo.

We were also able to facetime the Winslow's and Hubbell's. I love new technology because although we are miles and miles away we can see each other on video in just one click. 

Our first Christmas together as a family was a success.  After we settled in at home we had a few glasses of wine, listened to Christmas music and played together as a family.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Babies are like Dogs

Funny Title-- but its true.

Babies love to slobber on anything and everything... and then the next day they put the same toy in their mouth that they slobbered on the previous day.

Dogs love to play with the same ball over and over and over again.

Babies love playing with stuffed animals and chewing on them because their soft.  They also love to squeak them because making noise is fun.

Dogs love to chew on squeaky toys.

Babies love to go on car rides...and so do dogs.

Babies love to sleep... and so do dogs.

Babies are fun to dress up..

and so are dogs.
Okay so babies aren't truly like dogs but have some similarities.  :)

1, 2, 3, 4, & 5

Just a quick comparison..
1 month
2 month
3 month
4 month
5 month

and soon we will be coming up on 6 months....

Saturday, December 21, 2013


I wish I knew what it felt like to sleep the entire night and wake up feeling completely rested.  While I was pregnant I couldn't sleep and found myself having many sleepless nights because I was uncomfortable and my mind kept wandering.

Now Baby Woos controls my sleep. He has slept through the entire night twice- but both nights I woke up and had to pump because I was so uncomfortable.  Although I was getting at least an entire bottle worth of milk during my middle of the night pumping sessions, I have been cutting them out more and more.  I don't think I'm being lazy because I still pump when he first wakes up in the middle of the night but the other times he wakes up I usually don't pump anymore. 

He loves to fall asleep on you- and especially after a bottle... but moving him to his crib sometimes can be challenging.  In the beginning of the night when I first put him down if he cries I usually pick him up but if it is the second time of us putting him down then we will let him cry it out for 5 minutes then soothe him.  If he cries when we first put him down, it usually never lasts long (around 4 minutes).

Now moving onto the middle of night... most of the time he will wake up 1-2 times and nurse for about 10-15 minutes and go back to sleep in his crib.  But their are those nights that he wakes up to nurse, then needs a diaper change, and then wants to talk and play...those are the nights I bring him into bed with me so I can get some sleep and he falls asleep easily laying next to me.  Some nights I bring him into bed right away and some nights I put him in his crib first.  It is a 50/50 chance that he will play with his feet or his seahorse in his crib and fall asleep on his own.  The other 50 he will start crying after about 10 minutes... so that is when I have been taking him to bed with me instead of trying to get him to go back to sleep in his crib.  This has just started the past week or so.  I used to only bring him into bed with us when he work up around 6 but now the time is creeping up...and he seems to be waking up usually twice a night (instead of once a night).

Every week is a new week and his sleep patterns change as he gets older.  4 months sleep regression, teething, etc.  I know it could be much worse and he could be up every two hours.

I'm just hoping for the day that I can sleep the entire night :)

Monday, December 16, 2013

Baby Bullet

Tonight I decided it was time to use our Baby Bullet. Baby Woos loves his cereal and I had him try some avocado the other night.  He enjoyed the avocado but he would only eat it off my finger when I mixed it with a little milk for sweetness.  He loved "painting" with his food on his tray. 

Tonight I actually took the time to boil 2 apples and make apple sauce for the week.  It was so simple- I peeled the apples, diced them up, boiled and then put them in the bullet for less than a minute.  2 apples makes about 5 jars of food.

His first bite he wasn't too sure what to think:

But then he kept wanting more and more.  I think the apple sauce is a success.  I also fed him his oatmeal/cereal and towards the end mixed them together and he enjoyed that as well.

So for the rest of this week it will be apples and cereal.  I wonder what we will try next week :)


Earlier today we practiced sitting and used the Bumbo for a little play time.. Calli came to join us for some fun.

Sidenote-  I know I haven't kept up with the blog that much but I am going to try and do it more keep checking back.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

5 Months Old

Baby Woos is 5 months old.  He is such a wonderful baby.

He weighs 19.2 pounds now...and he is getting hair on his head. 

Favorite Things:

Dylan loves to reach for his toys and touching mommy's face.  And I can't forget- he loves pulling on my hair too.

He is super curious about food and what mommy puts in her mouth.  In the morning when I am carrying him and my coffee he opens his mouth wide and goes for my coffee.  Since he is so curious and we were given the doctors okay we also started Baby Woos on cereal at night.  I think he really likes it-- as long as it is warm.  Once it starts to get cold he doesn't want anything to do with it.

Sleep-  Dylan slept all night long two nights in a row but that was very short lived.  He still wakes up 1-2 times a night.  When he wakes he usually isn't up for long but I really hope he goes back to sleeping through the night. 

New Toys-  He loves playing with his cho-cho train and his keyboard that lights up.  In general he loves toys that light up and make noises.  He also loves anything that he can put in his mouth!

We are working on him to sit up on his own and his personal record is 10 seconds.  When he is in sitting position he would much rather put weight on his feet and stand up.

Although he knows how to roll-over from his tummy to his back he really doesn't do it much. He still hasn't rolled over from back to tummy.  Once he realizes he can move better on his tummy I think he will be flipping over more.

He has also finally noticed the dogs and reaches out to pet them... so cute.  Don't worry we are always super close when the dogs are near. 

And as always- he loves his bath time.  We are even starting him outside on the infant seat now.