
Sunday, April 6, 2014

This past month...

This past month has been so much fun. 

We like to chew on carrots,

and we like to make a mess when eating puffs and cheese

but Calli is always near to help clean up my messes.

I love to play outside on my bike..

Daddy went to Las Vegas and I tried to call him on my phone....

Sometimes I get really messy when I eat so it was a nice day so I ate naked (well I still had my diaper on)...
Mommy bought me a foam playmate but I had to test it out in a taste test first...

Naptime on Mommy...

Playing on my new mat:

Missing my Nana...

Having fun feeding myself.  Favorite food- sweet potato.  New favorite dinner- rice with chicken and broccoli.. with parm cheese.

Mommy took me to a party while Daddy was in Vegas...

Getting into trouble... hey if the fridge is left open its fair game.

More bike time...

I love playing on the blanket outside with mommy.
 look at my teeth... (I still only have my bottom two teeth)

Out to lunch with Daddy and Mommy:

This was at our sitter's house... I was ready for my nap.

April Fools Joke: I slept through the entire night on April 3rd... but I'm back to waking up once a night.  Its getting much better though.

I sometimes brush my teeth after I eat...

 I'm 39 weeks old here:... (this was the amount of time I was in mommy's belly)

This look is my stop taking pictures of me look...

Yup- that's right... I can pull myself up onto my table and stand while playing all by myself.

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