
Monday, April 21, 2014

9 months

Baby Woos turned 9 months old on April 9, 2014.

He has grown soooo much:

                                        Weight: 23.2 pounds  93%
                                         Height:  30.75 inches  99%
                                        Head: 18.75  98%

He's holding onto his tooth brush in these pictures.  On Easter his third tooth came in on the bottom.  He is also getting ready to cut his top 4 teeth all at once... which means more sleepless nights.


 Dylan is crawling now-- army crawl and on his hands and knees.

He is also standing up while holding onto something... and he has even taken a few steps while folding onto his toys.

He loves all of his toys that light up and make noises.  He especially loves to play with his small toys that can fit in his hand- like his balls or telephone.

He also loves to read.  I read to him every day and I catch him "reading" to himself as well.  He will sit down and flip through the pages to look at the pictures.  He also loves to chew on his books.

Baby Woos LOVES food-- he basically eats what we are eating now.  Breakfast is normally eggs or pancakes.  Lunch now is toasted cheese with fruit or soup with toast.  Dinner- a little of what we are eating... chicken stir fry, lasagna, chicken quesadilla, etc..  Mommy is still nursing him too but has cut way back. 

Dylan's first Easter was very low key.. he had an Easter Basket of new toys to play with while we relaxed at home together as a family.

For my Easter Surprise from Dylan he decided to stand up in his crib last night for the first time in the middle of the night and cry to be picked up.  He is sooo mobile now and we still need to finish baby-proofing the house.... for now we have this "jail" for him to play in :)


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