
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

8 Months

I know its a little past 8 months but we have been super busy and so many milestones have been reached.

Baby Woos started his 8 months a little rough by getting sick in NY.  It was so sad to watch my little man be sick :(

But we have also reached so many Good milestones:

He now knows how to pull himself up and dance while holding on to something.  He also took his first step while holding onto our bed.

He has figured out how to walk forward in his car and is now getting into everything.  Must baby proof more.

He has learned how to make Indian noises.. by putting hand over mouth while making noises... so cute~

He knows how to give daddy high-fives.  (and mommy too)

Yesterday- he completely surprised me and went from laying down on his back to sitting up like a bog boy with no help from me.

Loves to hold his own bottle now too.

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