
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Nana comes to babysit

Nana came to visit.  WE loved having her here.  I really wish that I lived closer to my family...especially now that we have a son! Dylan loved playing with his nana.  Nana bought Baby Woos some winter clothes before her trip because we are making a trip to NY in a couple of weeks.  Good thing she gave Dylan a care package because the cold weather followed her south.  He (or his momma thinks he) loves wearing monkey clothes :)

While mom was here Donnie and I had a wedding to go to--- and not any wedding but a Hallo-wedding.  We were Wilma and Fred Flintstone... and won best couple costume at the wedding.  It was so nice and comforting knowing that my mom was with Dylan.  We were able to enjoy ourselves knowing he was in good hands.  Baby Woos also behaved very well for Nana and when we came home he was sleeping in his crib.  My first night not putting our son to sleep!

We had lots of playtime and lots of fun while Nana was here.  We even snuck in a nice Italian dinner where mom could get her veal and I could get my tiramisu (& Donnie chicken parm).
While Nana was here she played with Baby Woos on his belly.  The day she left (about 4 hours later) I played with him this way and then moved him to his play mat and he rolled over for the first time.  And then again, again, and again.  I want to think it was from Nana playing with him on her knees.

Baby Woos and I are ready to visit in NY in less then 20 days :)  We miss Nana and the rest of our family.

1 comment:

  1. We cannot WAIT for your arrival. I miss you Too! xoxoxox
