
Thursday, November 14, 2013

4 months

We took Baby Woos for his 4 month checkup today.  It was cold outside this morning so he wore his winter hat.

He is a growing boy:

Weight and %: 17 pounds 5 ounces; 82%
Height and %: 27 inches; 98%
Head Circumference and %: 17.25 inches; 96%

He also had to get his second round of shots but he did great.  Today he has been extra sleepy but other then that not too bad.  I did take the day off work just in case he acted up and wanted his mommy.

At 4 months he has rolled over from his tummy to his back, has very good head control, and when he lays on his tummy he lifts his chest up a little.  He grabs for toys now and reacts more and more to mommy and daddy everyday.
 I love his facial expressions sooo much.  He laughs all the time now and it is very sweet and melts my heart.
 He is also trying to sit up by himself more and more but he tips forward and then laughs.  Soon enough he will be sitting on his own.

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