
Friday, November 15, 2013

Trip to see Grandma & Grandpa

Last weekend we drove to North Carolina to see Grandma and Grandpa.  Baby Woos did pretty good in the car- but the last hour I sat in the back seat with him to entertain him. 

He says- "Mom are we there yet- stop taking my picture"

Baby Woos had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa.

They also were able to babysit for a night while we went to a wedding. 
my ass looks huge in this picture but I swear its just the angle

Grandma and Grandpa also gave Baby Woos an early Christmas present and he loved it.  I can't wait until he gets a little bigger and is able to really jump.  Right now he is on his tippy toes.

I love this picture:  Baby Woos holding onto Daddy's finger while we played a board game.

and grandma and I were able to buddle Baby Woos up and take him on a walk:

Baby Woos decided that he wanted to try driving on the way home. 

It is so nice visiting with family.  I know I've said it before but now that we have started a family I really wish we were closer to both of our families.  Grandparents can be very helpful plus Baby Woos loves spending time with them.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

4 months

We took Baby Woos for his 4 month checkup today.  It was cold outside this morning so he wore his winter hat.

He is a growing boy:

Weight and %: 17 pounds 5 ounces; 82%
Height and %: 27 inches; 98%
Head Circumference and %: 17.25 inches; 96%

He also had to get his second round of shots but he did great.  Today he has been extra sleepy but other then that not too bad.  I did take the day off work just in case he acted up and wanted his mommy.

At 4 months he has rolled over from his tummy to his back, has very good head control, and when he lays on his tummy he lifts his chest up a little.  He grabs for toys now and reacts more and more to mommy and daddy everyday.
 I love his facial expressions sooo much.  He laughs all the time now and it is very sweet and melts my heart.
 He is also trying to sit up by himself more and more but he tips forward and then laughs.  Soon enough he will be sitting on his own.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

11 Must Have Newborn Items

Baby Woos turns 4 months old this Saturday and there are certain items that I really could not live without.  Okay I could live without these items but they make my life so much easier.

1. My Boppy Pillow.

The first day I brought Baby Woos home and it was time to feed him I really didn't know how to "use" my pillow but now it really is a necessity.  I love feeding him on it with the pillow wrapped around my side and he feeds in the football position.  We also use the pillow to prop Baby Woos up..and occasionally he falls asleep on the pillow.

2. Rock-N-Play sleeper

We didn't get this until Baby Woos was about a month old.  Baby Woos was sleeping in bed with us in a co-sleeper bed and that was perfect because I was always so concerned that he may stop breathing (new mom syndrome) and at night sometimes the only thing that would get him to sleep was to suck on my finger.  But the rock-n-play sleeper has been a great travel crib and its easy to rock him to sleep in it.  The Rock-N-Play has him sleep at an angle and makes him nice and cozy.  Now he sleeps in his crib at night but during the transition period Baby Woos loved his sleeper.  He still takes naps in his sleeper but I think he is out growing it because he loves to stretch out.  Still for $60 it is a must have item!

3.  Medela travel breast pump.

I first had the dr. brown's breast pump because it was more comfortable but the output wasn't as much.  Then I used a manual medela pump and loved it but my hand was getting sore... so we made the investment and bought another electric breast pump and I love it.  Its fast and easy and quiet enough to use at night.  I have been exclusively breast feeding Baby Woos for 4 months and plan to continue at least until 6 months- maybe even a year.  (My doctor recommends a year.)

4. Floor Play Mat

This mat is wonderful.  With music and so many items to look at Baby Woos can entertain himself.  Plus, I like laying him on the floor and having the bars over him so the dogs must go around him.

5. Swing

A swing is a MUST.  It is so nice to put him in his swing while we eat dinner.  (His swing is on our dinner table so he sits with us at dinner.)  He sits in his swing in the morning to let mommy make her coffee and do the dishes, and his swing is a nice place for him to play sitting up.  He can only take so much laying down on the floor.

6. Travel system stroller

This is a must have.  The car seat attaches to the stroller so when we travel we just put his carseat in the stroller and wheel him away.  We find it so much easier when we go shopping, go to restaurants, etc.  Plus the stroller has room for the diaper bag, my purse, and holds two drinks.  We also love going on walks in his stroller.  After he outgrows his car seat we will be able to just use the stroller.

7.  Bathtub

The infant bathtub makes it so much easier and fun for bath time.  HE is also pretty secure in the tub so I don't worry as much.  He loves to splash his feet in the water.  When I first brought him home his whole body fit in the infant sling part.  He sure does grow fast.

8.  Moby Wrap

In the beginning my moby wrap was my savior.  When I couldn't get the crying to stop I would put him in the moby and he would stop and fall asleep.  The moby is also great because I can get stuff around the house done while wearing him.  I have another carrier that I use too but the moby was great when he was still so tiny and couldn't lift his head.

9. Pack-n-Play
This is such a great spot to let Baby Woos lay down and play. Every morning when I shower he stays in the pack-n-play and watches Curious George on tv.  When he starts crawling it is also going to be nice to be able to put him in his play-pen when we need to get stuff done. 

10. Changing Pad
I know you can change a baby anywhere but Baby Woos loves his changing mat.  I also love having his changing table where all of his diaper needs are kept organized.  But the changing pad has another purpose- for whatever reason if Baby Woos is fussy the minute you lay him on the changing pad he is all smiles again.

11. Mirror for the car

We recently got a mirror for our car thanks to Nana and I really wish we had bought one sooner.  It is so nice to be able to see Baby Woos' face when we are in the car. The tricky part is figuring out where to put the mirror.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Nana comes to babysit

Nana came to visit.  WE loved having her here.  I really wish that I lived closer to my family...especially now that we have a son! Dylan loved playing with his nana.  Nana bought Baby Woos some winter clothes before her trip because we are making a trip to NY in a couple of weeks.  Good thing she gave Dylan a care package because the cold weather followed her south.  He (or his momma thinks he) loves wearing monkey clothes :)

While mom was here Donnie and I had a wedding to go to--- and not any wedding but a Hallo-wedding.  We were Wilma and Fred Flintstone... and won best couple costume at the wedding.  It was so nice and comforting knowing that my mom was with Dylan.  We were able to enjoy ourselves knowing he was in good hands.  Baby Woos also behaved very well for Nana and when we came home he was sleeping in his crib.  My first night not putting our son to sleep!

We had lots of playtime and lots of fun while Nana was here.  We even snuck in a nice Italian dinner where mom could get her veal and I could get my tiramisu (& Donnie chicken parm).
While Nana was here she played with Baby Woos on his belly.  The day she left (about 4 hours later) I played with him this way and then moved him to his play mat and he rolled over for the first time.  And then again, again, and again.  I want to think it was from Nana playing with him on her knees.

Baby Woos and I are ready to visit in NY in less then 20 days :)  We miss Nana and the rest of our family.