
Thursday, October 17, 2013


It's official.  Baby Woos slept his first night in his nursery in his crib and he was a happy baby. 

After the first month, Baby Woos was sleeping in the Rock-N-Play.  The rock-n-play really is such a savior.  It allows babies to feel safe and confined; plus it helps with acid reflux and burping.  Baby Woos was sleeping in the rock-n-play with only waking up once in the middle of the night for a feeding.  It was so nice to get long stretches of sleep- but it also made me not want to transition him into his crib.

Baby Woos has just started taking longer naps this week during the day in his rock-n-play so for now I am going to continue him in his rock-n-play for naps because Baby Woos does not take naps very well-- he's a good night-time sleeper but doesn't sleep well during the day.

Although he is still in his rocker for naps, the past couple weeks the rock-n-play has been in the nursery during the day to get him used to sleeping in his nursery.  I'm not sure if this helped him sleep in his crib but I would like to think that it did.  While I would fold laundry and do other things I would also put Baby Woos in his crib so he knows its his safe place.

So last night as I was putting him down for bed around 7:45 I thought I would put him in his crib to see how he would do.  He slept until 12:30.  At 12:30 I woke up with him, feed him and put him back to sleep in the crib.  He then slept until 2:45 so I woke up with him and feed him for a short time and put him back to sleep.  He cried a little around 5:00 so I went into the nursery put my hand on his chest and he fell back asleep until Daddy picked him up around 6:00. 

Hopefully he will start sleeping through the night soon but to be honest since I am breast feeding I like to wake up once in the middle of the night and get enough milk to prepare a bottle for the next day.  We are going to continue to have him sleep in his crib at night and hope that every night gets better in better... then we will move his naps into his crib too. 

1 comment:

  1. Good Job!! I always think this is harder for Mom then baby:)
    He is soooo CUTE!
