
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

3 Months

Baby Woos is 3 Months old today! 

In this picture he is playing in the pack-n-play while I get ready in the morning. 

Look how fast he grows:  1 month, 2 month, 3 month




What he loves:
 -sucking on his thumb and hands in general

 -"running" on his back

-"standing"... he loves to push off his feet;  he also loves to bounce

-pulling on mommy's hair

-bathtime-- he loves to splash his feet in the water

 -He laughs!  He laughs almost every time I change him and take his right arm out of the sleeve.  It is sooo sweet!  I can't wait until he laughs more and more.

-He is getting better and better at picking up his head.  My mom told me to use a mirror and he really likes the mirror.

He is an amazing little creature.  I LOVE being a mommy and couldn't even imagine my life without him. 

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