
Friday, September 27, 2013

Sunday Funday- #1

A couple weeks ago, Donnie and I decided that every Sunday we should take advantage of Charleston and do something fun with Baby Woos.  This will get us out of the house and spend some time together exploring Charleston.  Charleston is such a beautiful city with many hidden treasures and although we live here I don't think we take advantage enough.  There are multiple places that I still want to explore even though I have lived here over 10 years.

Our first Sunday we explored the Middleton Place.  I have been here before but only in the house when I catered a wedding.  I had no idea that the garden area was so beautiful.  We took Baby Woos in the stroller and explored the gardens.

The trails took us through the "bamboo forest".  It was very pleasant and the shade was wonderful.

And we also stopped a moment at the rolling hills.  

It was a bit expensive to walk through the gardens ($26 a person) but the money goes to preserving this beautiful historic place so I don't feel so bad.  We stayed for about 3 hours (maybe a hare less) and we were walking almost the entire time except for two bottle breaks for our little guy.

I do recommend going to the Middleton Place at least once to see how beautiful it is.  

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