
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2 months

Dylan is 2 months old.  He is such a big growing boy.

  • Weight & %: 13 pounds 11 ounces:  81 %
  • Height & %: 24.25 inches: 94%
  • Head Circumference & %: 16 inches: 90%
Dylan can now hold his head up:  (one month and two month photos..although same diaper color he is wearing a bigger size a two months)

He loves to talk, smile and play.

Dylan's Favorite Things:
  • play peek-a-boo
  • bouncing on my lap
  • loves his rock-n-play sleeper 
  • coo, smile, and watch mommy make faces

Dylan's dislikes:

  • burping... its so sad when he cant burp he starts to cry a painful cry until it comes up
  • sleeping during day-  he fights going to sleep

This past month has been amazing, especially since he can now recognize mommy and daddy.  I love watching him smile at me.  He can follow objects moving, drinks great from a bottle, and is sleeping better at night.

How's Mommy?

I am exclusively breast feeding him and it is tough work!!  I am going to continue breast feeding him as long as I can because it is beneficial to babies.  I have been lucky and found out if I pump at his night feedings while feeding him on the other side I get enough for two bottles during the day.  Feeding him a bottle is nice because I know exactly how much he is eating.  I also love having the ability of bringing a bottle with me so if we are out and he gets hungry we have the bottle.

At his 2 month appointment he had to get his first round of shots... I think it was more painful for me.  Dylan cried for a minute and then stopped as I held him.  He slept and ate all day after his shots with minimal awake time until 4:30 this morning.  He is super needy today and just wants his mommy... luckily I have my moby so I can wear him around the house.

1 comment:

  1. This is adorable!! Can see the difference in age very clearly! LUV YA
