
Friday, September 27, 2013

Myrtle Beach

I had to go to Myrtle Beach for a work conference so Donnie and Baby Woos also came to mix work with pleasure.  Since we were here during the weekend this also counts as Sunday Funday #2.  The hotel we stayed at was right on the beach and had a nice cabana bar that we were able to enjoy.

We also took Baby Woos to the beach.  In a few more months it will be more fun for him to enjoy the waves.  At this point he still can't hold his head up completely on his own so it was hard to have him play.  He did get his feet in the water though.

We also went to Barefoot Landing for the day to walk around and have lunch.  Myrtle Beach brings back sooooo many memories from childhood, from college, and from today.  We used to go there for family vacations and then during college I had friends that went to school there so I would visit often.  I also lived there for a summer when opening a new restaurant.  FUN memories!

I will try and write more blog posts consistently its just hard to find the time sometimes :)  Right now Baby Woos is taking his morning nap.  Napping is something that we are working on-- he just doesn't seem to like to sleep during the day!!

Sunday Funday- #1

A couple weeks ago, Donnie and I decided that every Sunday we should take advantage of Charleston and do something fun with Baby Woos.  This will get us out of the house and spend some time together exploring Charleston.  Charleston is such a beautiful city with many hidden treasures and although we live here I don't think we take advantage enough.  There are multiple places that I still want to explore even though I have lived here over 10 years.

Our first Sunday we explored the Middleton Place.  I have been here before but only in the house when I catered a wedding.  I had no idea that the garden area was so beautiful.  We took Baby Woos in the stroller and explored the gardens.

The trails took us through the "bamboo forest".  It was very pleasant and the shade was wonderful.

And we also stopped a moment at the rolling hills.  

It was a bit expensive to walk through the gardens ($26 a person) but the money goes to preserving this beautiful historic place so I don't feel so bad.  We stayed for about 3 hours (maybe a hare less) and we were walking almost the entire time except for two bottle breaks for our little guy.

I do recommend going to the Middleton Place at least once to see how beautiful it is.  

Monday, September 16, 2013

Auntie Ann & Uncle Brad

My sister and her husband came to visit Baby Woos.  We had such a great time together and I really wish we lived closer to each other!  

I think it surprised them that you really can do a lot with a baby in tow.  Our first stop was the Kickin Chicken.  We also had to go shopping at Steinmarts.

Had a great dinner at Water's Edge.

Some relax time at the house.

Lunch at California Dreaming.

and now Baby Woos is ready to be the next Hall of Famer thanks to Ann & Brad:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2 months

Dylan is 2 months old.  He is such a big growing boy.

  • Weight & %: 13 pounds 11 ounces:  81 %
  • Height & %: 24.25 inches: 94%
  • Head Circumference & %: 16 inches: 90%
Dylan can now hold his head up:  (one month and two month photos..although same diaper color he is wearing a bigger size a two months)

He loves to talk, smile and play.

Dylan's Favorite Things:
  • play peek-a-boo
  • bouncing on my lap
  • loves his rock-n-play sleeper 
  • coo, smile, and watch mommy make faces

Dylan's dislikes:

  • burping... its so sad when he cant burp he starts to cry a painful cry until it comes up
  • sleeping during day-  he fights going to sleep

This past month has been amazing, especially since he can now recognize mommy and daddy.  I love watching him smile at me.  He can follow objects moving, drinks great from a bottle, and is sleeping better at night.

How's Mommy?

I am exclusively breast feeding him and it is tough work!!  I am going to continue breast feeding him as long as I can because it is beneficial to babies.  I have been lucky and found out if I pump at his night feedings while feeding him on the other side I get enough for two bottles during the day.  Feeding him a bottle is nice because I know exactly how much he is eating.  I also love having the ability of bringing a bottle with me so if we are out and he gets hungry we have the bottle.

At his 2 month appointment he had to get his first round of shots... I think it was more painful for me.  Dylan cried for a minute and then stopped as I held him.  He slept and ate all day after his shots with minimal awake time until 4:30 this morning.  He is super needy today and just wants his mommy... luckily I have my moby so I can wear him around the house.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Our First Vacation

Labor Day weekend Baby Woos took his first road trip to Savannah, Georgia.  One of my best friends also has a newborn son and we wanted to meet up with each other.  Since she lives close to Atlanta and we live in Charleston we thought that Savannah would be a good meet up point.  Her son is 3 days older than Baby Woos.  They are going to be best buds!

Donnie was a bit nervous about the whole trip because how much fun can you really have with two newborns...however he was happily surprised that our new additions made our trip that much better.  

We enjoyed our first night at Ruth Chris Steakhouse which is a finer restaurant. 

The babies slept through the dinner.  Baby Woos woke up around dessert time so I fed him a bottle and we enjoyed our desserts.  Not a single cry out of either baby...success

We brought our rock-n-play sleeper for Baby Woos to sleep in but he also liked to sleep on the bed while we got ready for the day.

The next day we walked around on River Street and stopped off at different restaurants for food and drink.  It was such a nice day to walk around and spend time together.

Every 3-4 hours we had to go back to the hotel which was a short walk away so Cortney and I could pump and feed our little ones.  It was also a nice relaxing break.

Cortney and I went through our pregnancies together and we will go through the same stages of our sons together.  We both learn from each other and it is so nice to experience problems and joys of parenting with someone who is so close to you that knows exactly what you are going through.