
Monday, June 24, 2013

Week by Picture Update

I originally posted this a while back in March
 but I thought I'd add to the weeks...

The countdown is near and it is hard to beleive that my body has transformed so much over the months. Hopefully it will be just as easy to lose weight as it has to gain weight.  :)

9 weeks

 14 weeks

16 weeks:

17 weeks:

18 weeks:  *still wearing my normal jeans

19 Weeks:

20 Weeks:

21 Weeks:

22 weeks:

23 weeks:

24 Weeks: onto maternity clothes

These past 6 months have flown by and have been extremely nice to me- no morning sickness, no back cramps, etc.  I hope the next 3 months will treat me just as nice... although I have a funny feeling they aren't going to. 
Baby Woos is already running out of room in there.

25 Weeks:

26 Weeks:

Welcome to Third Tri-Mester:

27 Weeks:

28 Weeks:

29 Weeks:

30 Weeks:

31 Weeks:

32 Weeks:

33 Weeks:

34 Weeks:

35 Weeks:  Baby Woos is officially out of room!!

36 Weeks:

37 Weeks:  (this actually isn't a maternity dress)

Baby Woos has grown soooo much during the third trimester!!

1 comment:

  1. My, my that's so funny on how you've grown!

    Pretty soon, we'll see this in reverse! LOL
