
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

38 Weeks

Okay- now I wish all my pictures were this glamorous.  At a last minute decision I decided to do a maternity photo session on the beach... so this is me at 38 weeks.  I'll share other photos another day but I couldn't resist to share this now.


What's going on with me?  To be honest I am uncomfortable.  Baby Woos has run out of room and his everyday movements are now starting to hurt more and more.  I still find it fascinating that I can feel his every movement but I wish I could also turn it off when I want.  I'm walking slower these days as well.  Plus, I have had some braxton hicks contractions so every day I'm like a ticking time bomb and have no idea if my water is going to break.

I can't really sleep and the couch has been my new best friend after waking up in the middle of the night.  For some reason I can always fall back to sleep on the couch.

pregnancy symptoms at 38 weeks 

The term lightning crotch humors me!  I will have to admit that I have had some strange sharp pains that only last seconds mostly in my inner-thigh and down my leg.  Baby Woos must be getting lower and lower.  I still haven't dilated so we are playing the waiting game.  

Wedding Ring: My wedding ring is still on... so I'm not really swelling which is a huge plus.  Although I know that I am married I prefer to walk around with my wedding rings on- especially in court with all of my clients.  

Funniest comment today:  "Man, you are going to burst."   This was from a client waiting to go to court this morning. 

Okay one more photo from the beach:


  1. Whoa mama. The 2 nd beach shot is pretty. Keep enlarging so i can c yr gorgeous face:)

  2. Im liking it more and more as is.
