
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

9 months!- 36 weeks

I am FULL-TERM!  Very exciting mile-mark.  Today we had a doctors appointment where an ultrasound was done to find out Dylan's position.  I am very happy to say that he is vertical and his head is down. 

What's going on with me?

I actually feel pretty good.  I'm not really waddling around unless Baby Woos sits high up front.. but then again sometimes I feel like a grandma could pass me walking because he is in such a strange position.  So with everything- its different on a daily- almost hourly- basis.  Swimming is helping me to avoid any cramping in my legs which is a huge plus!  I do wish it wasn't so hard to bend down these days.  Picking up items off the floor is a chore now and squatting to look at something on a low shelf just isn't a good idea. 



Week 36 Pregnancy Symptoms

Changes in fetal activity: As your baby’s quarters get more cramped and he has less room to maneuver, expect his movements to change too. You should still feel him moving, but there will be less jabbing and kicking, and a lot more squirming.  Baby Woos still is moving around and the movements are different then before but I still feel the occasional jab and kick.  Lately, right before meal time he gets the most active- I think because he's hungry too.

Heartburn or indigestion: As your stomach gets pushed up and squeezed by your uterus, you may feel like eating less at mealtimes. That’s not necessarily bad news. Smaller meals are better for your digestive system and may actually control heartburn.  I do try to eat smaller meals because if I eat a full meal I am in pain (like the pain your in after eating Thanksgiving dinner.)  There is just no room for food anymore.  I have also had occasional heartburn this past week but nothing really bad.

More frequent urination: Your baby might have dropped into your pelvis by now, crowding your bladder. So it’s no wonder you’re going to the bathroom as much as you did during your first two months of pregnancy. Don’t cut back on liquids — your body needs fluids to stay hydrated now more than ever.  I'm lucky if I only wake up twice during the night to pee.  

Pelvic pressure and discomfort: Feeling pretty heavy down there in the pelvic region? That’s your baby burrowing deep into the pelvis as she prepares for birth, with her head pressing down on your bladder, hips, and pelvis. Try some pelvic tilts, or take a (long) soak in the tub to give yourself a break.  I am experiencing pelvic pressure and growing pains!  Hopefully this will make sure I have an easy labor (if their is such a thing).

Itchy abdomen: Your belly might be stretched to the breaking point (or at least feel that way). Creams containing cocoa butter or vitamin E can soothe that itchy abdomen and bring some relief.  No itchy belly here and I haven't had any stretch marks either.  I hope these next few weeks are kind to me too.

Increased swelling of ankles and feet: Edema (pregnancy swelling) may be getting more noticeable now as your body retains more fluids. So not only will your ankles and feet be swollen, but your face and hands (and fingers) may be too. Keep drinking water and other liquids. All those fluids will help rid your system of excess sodium and other waste products, which will minimize swelling.  No real swelling here either.  I'm also still wearing my wedding rings... some days I swell in my hands but that could also be due to the weather. 

Difficulty sleeping: Sleep may be more elusive than ever as you toss this way and that looking for the perfect position. Make sure your room isn’t too stuffy (you’re sure to feel overheated as the night wears on) by opening a window or lowering the thermostat.  Our AC has been set at 70 which has been very comfortable.  Non pregnancy I like to set the AC at 74 but not this summer.  After Dylan is here we will make sure its not too cold for him.

Fatigue or extra energy: It’s normal to be tired by the time you hit week 36. But you may also get the burst of extra energy known as the nesting instinct — a need to get organized and ready for the baby. If you do feel energized, take breaks to rest and eat.  BOTH!!  I either just want to nap ALL day long or I am going like the energizer bunny.  It really depends on my mood and how busy I was with work that day.

What's Going on with Baby Woos?

Today was the big day to find out that he is in the correct position for delivery.  So excited!  He is still active as he can be being cramped up inside.  His butt is right under my ribs on my right side while he has his legs stretched over to my left side to kick. I am not dilated at all yet but my doctor said I am very close to start.. which is exciting.  We have a plan in place that if Baby Woos doesn't come before July 8th then we are going to induce him on July 8th.  So now that we have a plan I'm sure Baby Woos will surprise us with an early delivery.   

Although they didn't tell us how much they think he weighs today (b/c it isn't a medical necessity) I think he is a big boy!  Its funny that now even some of my maternity clothes are too tight to wear anymore.  I really don't think my body can handle stretching anymore.

And here is a picture of Dylan's profile with his mouth open and his big brain.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. Omg any time now and you look wonderful And gorgeous as ever. C u Soon!!!
