
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

37 Weeks

I am feeling a little anxious these days.  I look forward to my weekly doctor appointments to make sure that I am not in labor.  I don't know why but my major concern is that I will not know that I am labor and will not make it in time to the hospital.  I know that this is an unlikely situation, especially since labor with your first child is usually long, but regardless this is my concern.  I have had some Braxton Hick contractions and cramping in the pelvic region however my doctor assures me this is normal and this is getting my body prepared for labor.  

We have everything ready for Baby Woos and are just waiting for his arrival.  So in the meantime my "to-do list" has turned into a list of spring cleaning house chores...and no longer a list of fun things to do for Baby Woos.  

pregnancy symptoms at 37 weeks 

What's going on with Baby Woos?
 Baby Woos is simulating breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, sucking on his or her thumb, blinking, and pivoting from side to side (one day you feel the tushy on the left side, another day it has swung around to the right side). All these are skills needed for his or her next gig  — starring as newborn.

Baby Woos is still a very active man.  He loves moving from side to side and he continues to do his aerobics in there.  The other night he had the hiccups and I must say it was a very strange feeling. I don't think he enjoyed them too much either because it was a rhythm of hiccup, hiccup, kick mommy, hiccup, kick mommy, etc.  

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