
Sunday, June 30, 2013


I can't believe that I have less than ten days to go until Baby Woos arrives.  Although I am super nervous I am also very excited to enter this new chapter of our lives.  I know that I will have my hands full learning how to be a mommy and take care of our baby boy but I also still have a few goals just for myself.

Run a Half-Marathon in January.

January sounds like a long ways away but when training for your first half-marathon 6 months really isn't that long; especially since I haven't run in such a long time because of Baby Woos.  Running was one of the first exercises to go for me because anytime I ran I cramped in strange places and it just wasn't worth it.  I had completed a 5K race in December but then two months later in February I really couldn't run anymore.  I was able to run on the elliptical some and that didn't bother me but forget running outside.  Even during bootcamp when we had running exercises I usually ran the first time and then had to switch to a different exercise (and this distance was probably about 200 meters or so).

Charleston Marathon

I plan to start boot camp 6 weeks after Baby Woos and then my running training for the half-marathon will start the first week of October... so I can train for 16 weeks.  The official date for the half is January 18, 2014. My friend Kindal is also running this half marathon and although she is in a completely different running class then me I know she will hold me accountable for my training runs.  

Back to Clean Eating

These last few weeks have been very bad for me diet wise.  It feels like since I know Baby Woos is going to make his appearance soon I need to eat everything in sight because once he is born I am going back to eating clean and healthy.  It's like if you plan to start your diet on Monday you tend to have a BIG cheat day on Sunday.  Since it is summer time and there are farmer's markets open everywhere fresh vegetables are so easy to come by.  Goodbye chips and cookies- hello more fruit and veggies :)

(this is a fruit display I made for Donnie's birthday last year)

Get Back to Pre-Pregnancy Shape

Training for the half-marathon will help me get back into shape but I want to make sure I keep up with my strength training because I can already tell that my arms and legs have lost their definition these past couple months.  I will listen to body and slowly get back into shape but I know its going to be hard. The first few classes are going to kick my butt and it is going to be like starting from square one.  I am really curious how long it will take me to do a sit-up since sit-ups were the very first exercise that went.  

This picture was taken in October 2012.  I was probably in the best shape of my life and then I found out I was pregnant with Baby Woos so my training slowed down.

Of course my number one priority is going to be Baby Woos but even new mommies need to focus on themselves as well.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

38 Weeks

Okay- now I wish all my pictures were this glamorous.  At a last minute decision I decided to do a maternity photo session on the beach... so this is me at 38 weeks.  I'll share other photos another day but I couldn't resist to share this now.


What's going on with me?  To be honest I am uncomfortable.  Baby Woos has run out of room and his everyday movements are now starting to hurt more and more.  I still find it fascinating that I can feel his every movement but I wish I could also turn it off when I want.  I'm walking slower these days as well.  Plus, I have had some braxton hicks contractions so every day I'm like a ticking time bomb and have no idea if my water is going to break.

I can't really sleep and the couch has been my new best friend after waking up in the middle of the night.  For some reason I can always fall back to sleep on the couch.

pregnancy symptoms at 38 weeks 

The term lightning crotch humors me!  I will have to admit that I have had some strange sharp pains that only last seconds mostly in my inner-thigh and down my leg.  Baby Woos must be getting lower and lower.  I still haven't dilated so we are playing the waiting game.  

Wedding Ring: My wedding ring is still on... so I'm not really swelling which is a huge plus.  Although I know that I am married I prefer to walk around with my wedding rings on- especially in court with all of my clients.  

Funniest comment today:  "Man, you are going to burst."   This was from a client waiting to go to court this morning. 

Okay one more photo from the beach:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Week by Picture Update

I originally posted this a while back in March
 but I thought I'd add to the weeks...

The countdown is near and it is hard to beleive that my body has transformed so much over the months. Hopefully it will be just as easy to lose weight as it has to gain weight.  :)

9 weeks

 14 weeks

16 weeks:

17 weeks:

18 weeks:  *still wearing my normal jeans

19 Weeks:

20 Weeks:

21 Weeks:

22 weeks:

23 weeks:

24 Weeks: onto maternity clothes

These past 6 months have flown by and have been extremely nice to me- no morning sickness, no back cramps, etc.  I hope the next 3 months will treat me just as nice... although I have a funny feeling they aren't going to. 
Baby Woos is already running out of room in there.

25 Weeks:

26 Weeks:

Welcome to Third Tri-Mester:

27 Weeks:

28 Weeks:

29 Weeks:

30 Weeks:

31 Weeks:

32 Weeks:

33 Weeks:

34 Weeks:

35 Weeks:  Baby Woos is officially out of room!!

36 Weeks:

37 Weeks:  (this actually isn't a maternity dress)

Baby Woos has grown soooo much during the third trimester!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Nursery is Complete!!

I am happy to say that the nursery is complete!!  Today we received our chair in the mail and that was the last item we "needed" in order to be as ready as ready is for Baby Woos.

BEFORE PICTURE  (of the nursery):  
This room actually used to be our guest room with green walls and if you want to see more you can go here:  beginning of nursery

I also did an updated post of the nursery here: nursery update  But I am so excited to show you the completed nursery with all of its bells and whistles  :)


I really am excited with the final look. I don't think it is too busy and its not too plain.  Below are pictures of our crib complete with a mobile and a sound machine with ocean noises and fish that move.  The baby monitor is set up and working which is another huge plus.  The starfish bag is filled with disposable diapers when we need to use them.  

Here are a few pictures of our changing area.  Complete with hamper, diaper genie, and plenty of burp cloths, blankets, wipes, towels, and G-Diapers.  I can't tell you how excited I am to use G-Diapers.  I hope they work great with Baby Woos.  

 Here is the hamper and the diaper genie for disposables, disposable inserts and wipes.  The hamper has a liner in it that can be washed plus a wet bag for the dirty cloth diapers.  I think you can tell how excited I am for changing diapers- haha.

Below are a few pictures of our new chair.  We received the chair in the mail today and I am sooo happy with our purchase.  After sitting in multiple gliders with ottomans I decided against the traditional nursery chair and purchased this chair off of  It was a great price, is SUPER comfortable, and reclines to the perfect angles.  

This wall above is the one wall in the nursery with nothing on it... for now I like it this way.  I may add a couple floating white shelves or some pictures of Baby Woos once he is born but I am happy leaving this plain for now.

and this is the chair when it reclines...
Next to our chair I have a basket of toys for Baby Woos and my Boppy Pillow to help when I breast feed.  I am sure my breast pump will be placed along side the chair as well once I start using it. Above the chair I have these hanging balls and I added the green from my Baby Shower up North.  

Here is a close up picture of Baby Woos' dresser.  The basket on top is filled with books to read.  The green item on the dresser is another sound escape.. with sounds of nature, white noise, etc to help Baby Woos fall asleep. And Believe it or not all four drawers are filled with clothes for Baby Woos sorted by sizes. 

This is the remaining wall in the nursery that I have hung up the frames that we received at our Southern Baby Shower.  The one picture of Donnie as a "baby lifting weights" will most likely be replaced with a picture of Dylan but I wanted to put these three frames up on the wall.  And below Dylan has his monkey night light.

Now that the nursery is complete I am super excited.  Although Baby Woos will not be sleeping in his crib for the first few weeks I will be using the nursery for changing him and for feeding him.  Baby Woos will be sleeping next to me in our bedroom.

In the bassinet of the pack-n-play I have put on a sheet and have left a liner in case he wets through his diaper.  I know that there is a cute snuggy bunny in here too but I won't let the bunny be near him when he sleeps :)  And you can see the other baby monitor is set up on my night stand once Baby Woos makes his move to his crib.

Now hopefully Baby Woos will wait until at least July 1st to make his appearance.  Although we are ready for him at home I have one more week of work that is super busy for me and I really hope I make it through next week!

Friday, June 21, 2013

My Top 5- Most Annoying & Most Amazing

I think the banner at the top of the page finally caught up to me... it says Baby Woos is the size of a Watermelon!!  Now onto my top 5

Top Five List of the Most Annoying Things during Pregnancy
 (in no particular order):

1. People telling me that I am going to miss Baby Woos kicking me.  Do other people know (especially men) what it feels like to have an alien (or in this case a sweet baby boy) invade your body and kick you when you least expect it?  I will admit the moving around at first was so cute and it was comforting but now the twisting and turning sort-of hurts and it really isn't all that fun when he acts up while I'm in court causing me to hold my stomach and try to calm him down.

2. Random people asking me whether I am having a boy or a girl and what his name is going to be. I don't know you so why do you really care if I am having a boy or a girl.  Plus every time I say his name is going to be Dylan they reply- Oh what a great name or I know a Dylan.  Really?  Do you think I care that your cousin's son is named Dylan.  And secondly- if I said I was going to name our son Barthalamul would you tell me that was a horrible name or continue to say I like that name.  Also if another man tells me that I am waddling more and more these days they may get slapped :)

3. Not being able to bend over.  Now that Baby Woos is pretty much a bowling ball inside me it is so hard to bend down and pick up anything I drop.  It is also pretty much impossible to bend over and make sure my bikini line is in check or to paint my toes.  I heard that a foot massage can induce labor- but is there a point where they will no longer give me a pedicure?

That isn't my real belly but the pillow thing at maternity stores but it is pretty close :)

4. No longer able to SLEEP.  I know that the lack of sleep now is preparing me for the lack of sleep when Baby Woos arrives but wow how I wish that I could sleep through an entire night without waking up.  It is hard enough to roll out of bed (literally) but rolling out of bed 5 times a night to go pee is just down right frustrating.  Plus it takes me another 5 minutes to place the pillows all around me again to try and get comfortable before falling asleep again.

5. Recovery Time.  I know this isn't during pregnancy but I just found out that recovery normally takes up to 6 weeks and I shouldn't start up my boot camp classes again until after 6 weeks.  In my mind I thought I would be able to start the beginning of August.  Again people annoy me and say "you will be too tired to want to exercise" but those people also do not know how irritating and frustrating it has been on me not being able to exercise and do something I love.  I participate in boot camp not only to keep myself in shape but because I really love the class, I love feeling like I have accomplished new goals, and I love pushing my body to its limits.  This past month and a half have been hard on me because I had to give up boot camp and really most exercises (for a good cause) and I just wish that recovery time will be shorter then 6 weeks.

Top Five List of the Most Amazing Things during Pregnancy:
(in no particular order)

1. Being able to eat what I want and not feel guilty about it.  Sure I could have scaled back how many bowls of ice cream I have a week but how many times can you truly get away with adding an extra five pounds without it being noticed.  My clothes are already too tight and I am slowly not fitting into my maternity tops anymore but at this point I really don't care.  As long as I am eating pretty healthy for Baby Woos (which I am) extra indulgences are going to be added to my diet.

2. Decorating the Nursery.  The nursery took a lot of time and patience.  First it was picking out the colors, then theme, then the furniture.  But it didn't end there because I had to figure out the changing area, and his clothes, and where to put his toys.  It might sound like a pain in the ass but I really loved putting together the nursery and making sure that we have all the items ready for Baby Woos.  It has also been a surreal experience trying to figure out bottles, nipples, breast pumps, diapers, etc.  I know we will learn as time passes but it has been very fun picking out what I think will work best for us.

3. Nesting.  Okay now I am not completing convinced that nesting isn't just a woman's way of getting her husband to work on projects around the house while she is pregnant but I will take it.  Since I have been pregnant we have completed a deck in the backyard (which I have wanted for three years), done multiple painting projects, and have basically done all the odds and ends to our house that I have been wanting to do but haven't.

Calli enjoyed helping in projects too.

4. Feeling Great About What I Can Do.  I surprised myself and those around me that I was still participating in boot camp up until I was 7.5 months pregnant.  It was an ego boost during class when the other girls would make comments like "if prego can do it then so can I" or "if she is not modifying an exercise then I guess I can't."  I know this past month and a half hasn't been as easy on me but I still do surprise myself that I am still working, had a Kentucky Derby party, and basically trying to maintain my normal life until Baby Woos arrives.

I wish I was this small now (and here I felt big)

5. Knowing that I am Growing an Amazing Little Baby Boy.  When I think about pregnancy it really is amazing what our bodies can do.  I have been blessed with such an easy pregnancy and no health scares during my pregnancy.  I can't not wait to hear the first cries of Baby Woos and hold him in my arms.  Although his kicking does bother me at times it really is something amazing to feel knowing how active our little man is already.