
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Getting Big

I can't believe how big Baby Woos is getting!  Pretty soon he won't fit in my basket anymore :)  Okay I never put him in this basket but I was making the bed in our guest room and the floor is tile so I thought this was a good spot for him.

Baby Woos has been lifting his head up during tummy time but today was the first day that I think he actually enjoyed tummy time!

He was even lifting up his body some with his arms.  I can't believe how strong he is getting! 
(Today I also found a new ap on my phone that plays with pictures so I am going to have lots of fun with all of the pictures I take.)
Another milestone-- I don't know when this really happened (probably when Baby Woos found his hands) but he no longer will suck on my finger for comfort.  He mostly sucks on his hands or the occasional pacifier.

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