
Monday, October 7, 2013

Back to Work

I'm officially done with maternity leave and back at work.  My first day back was last Friday and it was actually nice to get into the office for a few hours.  It is also great knowing I don't have to bring Dylan to daycare or have a babysitter come into the house.  Daddy is playing Mr. Mom since he works out of the home.  If things get too much we will hire a nanny but this is trial and error.  My job is also flexible and I can work from home as well.

My office at home: 

Breastfeeding also makes working a little interesting.  I have to make sure I have enough bottles prepared for daddy, plus I need to find the time to pump.  On Friday I pumped once in my office with my manual pump and was pleased with the results-  enough to make a bottle.  I just locked the door and continued working while I also pumped.  You would be surprised what you can do with one hand after having a baby.  I've read stories of other mom's where their workplace is not breast-feeding friendly or stories where they have problems pumping away from their baby.

Working & breastfeeding is going to be a challenge but I am going to do the best that I can to continue to breast feed because I know it is best for Baby Woos and me.  I do have a pretty good freezer stash already built up and I'm on a good schedule at night getting bottles prepared so hopefully all will continue to go smoothly.

On another note:
This past weekend Baby Woos, Daddy, and I enjoyed a Greek Festival.

 We had a great time.  Sidenote- I know I'm being critical but every time I wear a dress that I wore when I was pregnant I feel like in pictures I still look pregnant.  I know camera angles do wonders - especially with flowing dresses- but ahh.

 Baby Woos enjoyed the music and dancing... and at the end of the festival he was ready for a nap. 

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