
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

12 week update

I can not get enough of this face!!  These past few weeks have been so exciting with Baby Woos.  He is really turning into a playful baby.  He loves laying on his activity mat and now he really is starting to grab out to his toys.  I help him out a little in the beginning but then he plays with his toys on his own.

He has also discovered football and the tv.  It must be all the colors but he really enjoys watching the tv while laying on the floor.  And sometimes when I feed him in the living room he will turn away from me just to look at the tv and then turns back to me to continue eatting... too cute!

Another of his favorite things to do is bounce and pretend that he can stand up.  He loves kicking out his legs and putting weight on his legs to push himself up.  He is also getting very good at picking his head up when we have tunny time but he tends to get frustrated that he isn't moving anywhere and then he starts to cry.

He also tries to hold onto his own bottle sometimes.

I have been working on nap time and for the past three days he has taken real naps- at least an hour long!!  Now hopefully when I go back to work next week he will continue to be good for daddy and take his naps.

1 comment:

  1. Dylan has so manny adorable faces!! Luv this
