
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Getting Big

I can't believe how big Baby Woos is getting!  Pretty soon he won't fit in my basket anymore :)  Okay I never put him in this basket but I was making the bed in our guest room and the floor is tile so I thought this was a good spot for him.

Baby Woos has been lifting his head up during tummy time but today was the first day that I think he actually enjoyed tummy time!

He was even lifting up his body some with his arms.  I can't believe how strong he is getting! 
(Today I also found a new ap on my phone that plays with pictures so I am going to have lots of fun with all of the pictures I take.)
Another milestone-- I don't know when this really happened (probably when Baby Woos found his hands) but he no longer will suck on my finger for comfort.  He mostly sucks on his hands or the occasional pacifier.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


It's official.  Baby Woos slept his first night in his nursery in his crib and he was a happy baby. 

After the first month, Baby Woos was sleeping in the Rock-N-Play.  The rock-n-play really is such a savior.  It allows babies to feel safe and confined; plus it helps with acid reflux and burping.  Baby Woos was sleeping in the rock-n-play with only waking up once in the middle of the night for a feeding.  It was so nice to get long stretches of sleep- but it also made me not want to transition him into his crib.

Baby Woos has just started taking longer naps this week during the day in his rock-n-play so for now I am going to continue him in his rock-n-play for naps because Baby Woos does not take naps very well-- he's a good night-time sleeper but doesn't sleep well during the day.

Although he is still in his rocker for naps, the past couple weeks the rock-n-play has been in the nursery during the day to get him used to sleeping in his nursery.  I'm not sure if this helped him sleep in his crib but I would like to think that it did.  While I would fold laundry and do other things I would also put Baby Woos in his crib so he knows its his safe place.

So last night as I was putting him down for bed around 7:45 I thought I would put him in his crib to see how he would do.  He slept until 12:30.  At 12:30 I woke up with him, feed him and put him back to sleep in the crib.  He then slept until 2:45 so I woke up with him and feed him for a short time and put him back to sleep.  He cried a little around 5:00 so I went into the nursery put my hand on his chest and he fell back asleep until Daddy picked him up around 6:00. 

Hopefully he will start sleeping through the night soon but to be honest since I am breast feeding I like to wake up once in the middle of the night and get enough milk to prepare a bottle for the next day.  We are going to continue to have him sleep in his crib at night and hope that every night gets better in better... then we will move his naps into his crib too. 

Monday, October 14, 2013


Before I talk about me I want to show some cute pictures of Baby Woos.

Now onto my venting:

Wow-- am I sore.  My shins are killing me and my quads and butt are on fire.  I guess that is what you get when you don't train and you are out of shape.  Yesterday I ran in my first 5K of the year.  The last time that I ran 3 plus miles was December 2012 and I ran a 5K with a time of 28:30ish.  (I was also pregnant at this time.)  Fast forward ten months and I ran my 5K in 35 minutes. 

So what did I learn?  Last year, although I never ran on my own, I was in shape from boot camp.  Now I knew that I was in good shape then but I didn't realize how good of shape until this run.  This run was hard and I had to walk at points but it wasn't the run that made me feel so out of shape- it is the day after where I am in pain.  At the end of October last year my friend asked me to run a 10K with her and I agreed- why not?  Although I ran 6.2 miles in just over an hour with no training my body didn't hurt the next day. 

While I was pregnant I was taking boot camp classes up until my 7 month and I was kicking butt in class.  Although I had to modify some moves I was for the most part doing the same exercises.  Last month when I was doing my boot camp class again I not only felt out of shape but I felt like I had to modify more exercises now.  Before (while pregnant) I could do a full push-up; after pregnancy I have to do a push-up on my knees.  Before (while 6 months pregnant) I could hold a plank for 3 minutes; after pregnancy 20 seconds is a challenge.

Picture: me last week of bootcamp while pregnant

What to do?  The month of September I went back to my bootcamp class and although I was happy when I completed a class I really wasn't having that much fun in class.  (Sorry Kindal).  I felt defeated after every class because I couldn't do the simple exercises.  I felt discouraged because the classes were HARD.  I felt discouraged because I kept comparing myself to what I could do before.  Sit-ups have never been an exercise that I couldn't do... but the first day back to class after I did 15 full sit-ups (which I feel took forever) I was out of breath.

I stopped going to class because I started work last week and wanted to get used to my new schedule... but I also stopped going because I wasn't enjoying it.  I didn't want to start disliking the class because I know I wanted to go back at some point because before I loved it. 

Above is picture week before Baby Woos was born.

So today as I have been walking around my house in pain it makes me realize that I have a long road ahead of me but it is not going to get easier unless I start exercising on a regular basis.  Carrying my 16.2 pound bowling ball is helping my arms stay in shape, and taking our long walks is helping too but I need more.  I am only 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight but I still have a long way to go.  Muscles really does weigh more then fat.

My goal:  Hopefully start going to bootcamp again.  I need to figure out a way to fit it into my schedule without being a walking zombie for lack of sleep.  Since I'm breastfeeding I can't just wake up 10 minutes before class- I have to pump- and then when I get home I still need to make sure I have enough time to feed, shower, and pump again before I go to work.  I may think of doing night classes instead?? 

I really don't know what I'm going to do yet I just know I want to get my ass back into shape and thinking and talking about it isn't going to do it.  I could always bring out my Jillian Michaels dvd's again but it really isn't the same as going to class. 

But that's enough about my rant on exercising.  I'm happy to say that I am in my pre-pregnancy clothes except for my shorts and some tops because my ta tas are bigger then ever. let the road to building stronger leaner muscles begin  :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

3 Months

Baby Woos is 3 Months old today! 

In this picture he is playing in the pack-n-play while I get ready in the morning. 

Look how fast he grows:  1 month, 2 month, 3 month




What he loves:
 -sucking on his thumb and hands in general

 -"running" on his back

-"standing"... he loves to push off his feet;  he also loves to bounce

-pulling on mommy's hair

-bathtime-- he loves to splash his feet in the water

 -He laughs!  He laughs almost every time I change him and take his right arm out of the sleeve.  It is sooo sweet!  I can't wait until he laughs more and more.

-He is getting better and better at picking up his head.  My mom told me to use a mirror and he really likes the mirror.

He is an amazing little creature.  I LOVE being a mommy and couldn't even imagine my life without him. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Back to Work

I'm officially done with maternity leave and back at work.  My first day back was last Friday and it was actually nice to get into the office for a few hours.  It is also great knowing I don't have to bring Dylan to daycare or have a babysitter come into the house.  Daddy is playing Mr. Mom since he works out of the home.  If things get too much we will hire a nanny but this is trial and error.  My job is also flexible and I can work from home as well.

My office at home: 

Breastfeeding also makes working a little interesting.  I have to make sure I have enough bottles prepared for daddy, plus I need to find the time to pump.  On Friday I pumped once in my office with my manual pump and was pleased with the results-  enough to make a bottle.  I just locked the door and continued working while I also pumped.  You would be surprised what you can do with one hand after having a baby.  I've read stories of other mom's where their workplace is not breast-feeding friendly or stories where they have problems pumping away from their baby.

Working & breastfeeding is going to be a challenge but I am going to do the best that I can to continue to breast feed because I know it is best for Baby Woos and me.  I do have a pretty good freezer stash already built up and I'm on a good schedule at night getting bottles prepared so hopefully all will continue to go smoothly.

On another note:
This past weekend Baby Woos, Daddy, and I enjoyed a Greek Festival.

 We had a great time.  Sidenote- I know I'm being critical but every time I wear a dress that I wore when I was pregnant I feel like in pictures I still look pregnant.  I know camera angles do wonders - especially with flowing dresses- but ahh.

 Baby Woos enjoyed the music and dancing... and at the end of the festival he was ready for a nap. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

12 week update

I can not get enough of this face!!  These past few weeks have been so exciting with Baby Woos.  He is really turning into a playful baby.  He loves laying on his activity mat and now he really is starting to grab out to his toys.  I help him out a little in the beginning but then he plays with his toys on his own.

He has also discovered football and the tv.  It must be all the colors but he really enjoys watching the tv while laying on the floor.  And sometimes when I feed him in the living room he will turn away from me just to look at the tv and then turns back to me to continue eatting... too cute!

Another of his favorite things to do is bounce and pretend that he can stand up.  He loves kicking out his legs and putting weight on his legs to push himself up.  He is also getting very good at picking his head up when we have tunny time but he tends to get frustrated that he isn't moving anywhere and then he starts to cry.

He also tries to hold onto his own bottle sometimes.

I have been working on nap time and for the past three days he has taken real naps- at least an hour long!!  Now hopefully when I go back to work next week he will continue to be good for daddy and take his naps.


Charleston is beautiful.  

This past weekend Baby Woos and I took a trip to the Angel Oak Tree on Saturday.  It is a nice place to relax and have a picnic.  I really can't believe how big this tree is... the pictures doesn't capture it enough.  We enjoyed a walk around the tree and Baby Woos had a bottle at a picnic table.

Then on Sunday we took a walk downtown with Daddy on the battery.  We then went to California Dreaming for lunch.

And last night Daddy babysat to give mommy a chance to have a girls night out with Sarah.  We went downtown in the market area to the Pavilion and Pearlz.