
Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Birthday

Happy Birthday to Me!

I must admit this birthday was much different from my past birthdays but one of the best birthdays yet.  My husband gave me my birthday present (a camcorder) a week early because as soon as he buys something he has to give it to me right away.  He had my engagement ring for only a couple hours before he proposed.  But yesterday morning I got to wake up to the best present ever- Baby Woos.

We had bath time:

Then I was surprised with flowers and a homemade cake (Donnie didn't make it but got it from our friend who makes cake).

Mommy and baby took an afternoon nap together:

Had some rocking time together on our sun porch.

And then mommy, daddy, and baby woos went up to our favorite sushi bar so I could have a tuna roll that I couldn't eat for 9 months while pregnant.  This was also my first time having a drink in a bar of 2013. (and maybe a little saki too).  

When we got home, Sarah, Anthony and Jeff came over for a nightcap.  We cooked pork tenderloin and had a wonderful time.  It is very nice to have stored breast milk in the fridge so I could give Baby Woos a bottle and not worry about having two glasses if wine. :)  

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