
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Moby Wrap

Baby Woos is for the majority of the time a very relaxed baby...but he does have his crying fits sometimes.  To calm him down we can walk him in his stroller or if I need to get things done in the house I turn to my Moby wrap.

A friend suggested that this wrap works miracles for crying babies so the week before Dylan was born I went and bought it.  When I took it out of its package it just looked like a long narrow blanket and I had my doubts.  But after a few tries at putting it on & a test-run with my dog Calli I was ready to try with Baby Woos.

Works like a charm.  Even when he is fussy and crying once I get him in the wrap he stops and almost immediately falls asleep.  I guess because he is so snug and it mimics being in the womb.

Whats great is that when he is in the wrap I can do the dishes, make a bowl of cereal  clean up, etc because I have both hands free.  I prefer to still support his head but the wrap really does hold him up.  The picture below he is passed out while I work on the computer.

And sometimes its just easier for him to sleep on me instead of trying to get him to sleep in his crib.  He is great at sleeping at night in his co-sleeper "crib" in our bedroom but during the day he prefers his swings or sleeping on me.

I highly recommend the Moby wrap!!  

I am so glad that it was recommended to me and that I did not give up after the first couple of times trying to learn how to put it on.  

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