
Monday, August 12, 2013

Milk & Cookies

Breastfeeding is definitely rewarding and challenging.  Baby Woos facial expressions after a feeding are the best and I love how he always grunts and stretches after his feedings.  However, breast feeding him is a HUGE commitment.  I know that I want to continue breast feeding but right now I am trying to figure out how to pump more to be able to offer him more bottles of breast milk.  So- it feels like I feed or pump all day.

After the bottle, Baby Woos doesn't always seem satisfied.  We have been giving him 3 oz bottles.  I'm not sure if he is really still hungry or if he just wants to continue to suck on something.  To try and help satisfy him we have been able to introduce the pacifier (binky).

This is very new to us because previously he would just spit out the paci and he didn't want anything to do with it.  Now I think sucking on it makes him more satisfied after a feeding.  I don't want him to get dependent on his paci but for now it still is a challenge for him to take the paci instead of my finger.  It is a learning experience.

Although the pacifier may be a quick fix after bottle feedings maybe Baby Woos really does need to be drinking more then 3 oz a feeding ???  Night feedings he seems completely satisfied on 3 oz and during the day he seems like he may want more... but I'm not too sure because he is mostly on the breast.  I guess it will be trial and error over the next couple weeks til we really figure it out.  

Passed out after a night (8:00) feeding:

In hopes to increase my milk supply to be able to pump more I made myself a batch of oatmeal-blueberry cookies.  I don't want to increase my supply to much because it can be super uncomfortable but an extra 3-5 oz a day would be ideal.

Oatmeal is supposed to help increase milk supply.

Oatmeal Blueberry Cookies:

These cookies are super moist (almost too moist if their is such a thing) and delicious... plus they are fairly healthy.  Next batch I am going to try dark chocolate instead of blueberries.

-2 cups quick oats
-1.5 cup flour
-1.5 cup brown sugar
-1 egg
-1 single serving applesauce
-1 tsp vanilla
-1 container blueberries
-1 tsp baking soda

How to:  Combine the apple sauce with brown sugar first.  Then add the rest of the wet ingredients and stir and then add the dry ingredients.  Last step fold in the blueberries.  Put on baking sheet and bake at 350 for 13 minutes. 



  1. He has your eyes in the first picture! Those cookies look delicious! I need to come see baby woos soon!!! Maybe this weekend??

  2. My in-laws are in town this weekend...but I can't wait for you to meet him soon. He's growing so fast.
