
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Monday Recap:

Yesterday was President's Day, which is a State Holiday, so I was able to enjoy my day off.  For starters, I slept straight through my alarm at 5:45 (for bootcamp) and remained sleeping peacefully until 8:30.  Donnie even took care of the animals in the morning so I could continue to sleep.  I guess Baby Woos wanted the extra sleep.  (Plus- I am not sleeping that well at night and I was up from 1:30-3:30 reading a new book.)

So what to do on my day off?

First, my loving husband bought me a prenatal massage at Urban Nirvana.  Ahhh- HEAVEN!  I wasn't exactly sure what to expect but it was like a normal massage except they remove part of the massage table so their is a hole for your belly to lay into.  (and when you flip over they give you pillows to lay on)  I wasn't sure if this was going to be comfortable but it was divine.  And I needed this hole for my belly because it is expanding every day!

hmm.. need to invest in new workout tops

During the massage I couldn't tell what part of my body needed it more- my back or my legs.  My legs were still sore from a killer workout on Friday at bootcamp, plus the yoga class I did after bootcamp.

[Sidenote: Prenatal yoga is something I am going to continue while I am pregnant to focus on my breathing and stretching.  However, I don't understand how some people just do yoga to stay in shape.  I feel great when I leave the class; stretched and relaxed; but I don't feel as if I just "worked-out."  To each his own, I guess.]

House Projects:

For the remainder of the day I guess I did some "nesting."  I'm not sure it is exactly nesting or more overdue cleaning out my drawers.  Junk just accumulates in drawers so easily!  I also decided to start tackling the garage so we can start getting the office ready for the man-room/garage.  This is what I have come up with so far. 

Donnie is not exactly thrilled he is losing his office to the guest room but I think once we get everything organized and invest in a heater/ac unit the garage will be perfect.  We still need to get rid of the old mattress and queen bed that are in the garage and I either (1) may have an overdue yard sale or (2) take a big shipment to Good-Will for the excess stuff that we just don't need anymore.  I am having fun with the garage and once we get the unwanted items out the garage I will have even more fun.  We may eventually invest in a small shed but that is for a later date.  PROJECTS, PROJECTS, and more PROJECTS. 

We haven't put the patio idea on hold but it was pretty cold this weekend so we didn't make it to Lowes.  We have also been looking online at the possibility of putting a deck in if we can't do pavers because of the roots of the large tree in our yard.  I guess we are going to have a plan A and a plan B until we get a professional to look at what we are working with in our yard.  Deadline for patio is end of April... and we hope to get it completed in March. 

What to look forward to:

This is going to be a crazy week ahead.  I need to educate myself on BUI (boating under the influence) because I have a trial coming up.  One would think the laws for DUI apply to BUI but they don't- go figure! I also have crazy court this week, demanding clients, two doctors appointments, and we get to find out the sex of Baby Woos on Friday.  So Flippin excited! 

(yes you are correct- that is beattlejuice on the tv)

Well I need to get ready for work now...but I will leave you with this adorable picture of Dallas and Trouble:

Best Friends

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