
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Baby Woos- boy or girl?

Wow I spoke to soon on the nice weather.  It is freezing outside now and it was even snowing in South Carolina, although I didn't see any in Charleston... brrr!  Good day to stay inside next to the fireplace.  I am so ready for Spring to get here because I really want to garden and bring my fresh herbs outsides.

Spring is also closer to having Baby Woos!  I am SOOOO ready for this Friday to find out if Baby Woos is a Boy or Girl. 

Boy or Girl?

7 Different ways to predict:

High or Low?
This one you can do just by looking south: if you're carrying high, break out the pink. If your bump is low, you're carrying a boy.  Prediction: BOY

Next time your OB pulls out the Doppler to listen to baby's heartbeat, ask her to tell you what the heart rate is. According to legend, 140+ beats per minute indicates a girl, and below 140 a boy.  Prediction: GIRL  (last visit heartbeat was 143)

Sweet or Sour
Craving ice cream every single day? Some people believe this means it's a girl. If you have to have salty or sour stuff, then it's a boy.  Prediction: GIRL (Just last night Donnie said to me- You eat ice-cream every night now.  My response- Baby Woos needs calcium.)

Chinese Birth Chart
This ancient method uses your age at conception and the month you did the deed to determine gender.  Prediction: GIRL

in Japan at Epcot

Even or Odd
Legend has it that the Mayans determined a baby's sex by looking at the mother's age at conception and the year of conception. If both are even or odd, it's a girl. If one's even and one's odd, it's a boy.
Prediction: BOY (my age- 31; year- 2012)

Spot On
If you're breaking out like crazy, blame it on your girl babe. The belief goes that girls steal their mother's beauty, hence, those annoying zits.  Prediction: BOY (although I do have the occasional break-out)

Queasy Does It
Sick as a dog during the first trimester -- or still? Signs indicate you're having a girl. Little or no morning sickness points to a boy.  Prediction: BOY  (didn't get sick once)

BOY: 4 votes
GIRL- 3 votes

So I guess we will have to wait until Friday to find out but if these tests are accurate (which is very questionable) then it looks like we will have a Baby Boy by a slim margin.

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