
Saturday, August 9, 2014

13 Months

Baby Woos is 13 months old.

He now goes to our nanny during the week.  She watches 4 other children too so Dylan has made some new friends.  He loves going to MiMi's and playing with his friends.  Now he loves playing with his cars, truck, and choo-choo train.

He also loves playing with Calli.  He actually knows which stuffed animals are Calli's and they will play tug a war with her toys.

Dylan LOVES food.  The only food that he doesn't really care for is white potatoes... he doesn't like them fried, mashed, baked, etc.  The only time he enjoyed white potatoes is when grandma made her potato salad.  Today he had mommy's tuna macaroni salad and he loved it.  At MiMi's he gets cookies so after dinner he now gets a cookie and I swear he even says the word cookie now.

Dylan loves to go grocery shopping and go into stores in general.  When we grocery shop he usually munches on fruit or gold fish while we are in the store.  He is so curious as to what everyone is doing.  The other day a ten year old girl was waving to him and he blew her a kiss-- it was so sweet.

Dylan has eight teeth now.  I think some more teeth are going to come in soon but nothing yet.

He knows how to climb up on the furniture but doesn't always know how to get down so it makes it a little nerve wracking.  He also thinks it is super funny to stand up in his rocking chair which is a big NO No.

He loves to look at his books but doesn't usually sit still long enough to read the whole book.

Dylan is a growing boy- 31.75 inches and our scale got lost somewhere in the move so Im not sure how much he weighs-- but he isn't light :)  He is still in 18 months clothes but has grown out of some of the smaller 18 month clothes.

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