
Monday, February 24, 2014


Baby Woos loves his food!

He has recently discovered that he can pick up food with his hands and feed himself.

For breakfast we now have scrambled eggs with veggies or some fruit.  When I'm in a hurry we will still do cereal but he prefers food he has to chew or gum in his case.  Fruits he has tried: cantaloupe, banana...and then pureed fruits: mango, apple, pears, strawberry, pumpkin, blueberry.

He also is in LOVE with puffs.  Very similar to cherrios but they dissolve quicker in your mouth.  My favorite brand is Plum Organics.  They have 5 colors to try and incorporate all colors in your diet.  The ingredients are rice flour and then the dried fruits & veggies. 

For lunch Baby Woos normally has a baby yogurt and some fruit.

Dinner is my favorite meal right now to introduce new foods. 
Fail- He had small pieces of chicken but he just stuffed the chicken in his mouth like a chipmunk so I am skipping that food until he has more teeth. 

Success- pasta.  I made whole-wheat small elbow pasta and cut the little elbows in half for him to eat.  He eats them off the spoon and he also loves picking up small pieces to feed himself.  We have also introduced Havarti cheese to him and he really likes his cheese. 

He also eats veggies every night for dinner.  Instead of pureeing his veggies I cook them until they are super soft because he seems to like his food in small pieces better then puréed food at the moment.  Veggies he has tried: peas, carrots, butternut squash, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet potato. 

I'm not sure if I am suppose to like the taste of the jarred baby food but if I don't like it I won't serve it to Dylan.  So far all the fruits have been a success (except pumpkin/banana) but most of the jarred veggie babyfood has been a failure so that is why I continue to make fresh veggies for Baby Woos.

Growing Boy loves mommy's cooking already :)

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