
Saturday, December 21, 2013


I wish I knew what it felt like to sleep the entire night and wake up feeling completely rested.  While I was pregnant I couldn't sleep and found myself having many sleepless nights because I was uncomfortable and my mind kept wandering.

Now Baby Woos controls my sleep. He has slept through the entire night twice- but both nights I woke up and had to pump because I was so uncomfortable.  Although I was getting at least an entire bottle worth of milk during my middle of the night pumping sessions, I have been cutting them out more and more.  I don't think I'm being lazy because I still pump when he first wakes up in the middle of the night but the other times he wakes up I usually don't pump anymore. 

He loves to fall asleep on you- and especially after a bottle... but moving him to his crib sometimes can be challenging.  In the beginning of the night when I first put him down if he cries I usually pick him up but if it is the second time of us putting him down then we will let him cry it out for 5 minutes then soothe him.  If he cries when we first put him down, it usually never lasts long (around 4 minutes).

Now moving onto the middle of night... most of the time he will wake up 1-2 times and nurse for about 10-15 minutes and go back to sleep in his crib.  But their are those nights that he wakes up to nurse, then needs a diaper change, and then wants to talk and play...those are the nights I bring him into bed with me so I can get some sleep and he falls asleep easily laying next to me.  Some nights I bring him into bed right away and some nights I put him in his crib first.  It is a 50/50 chance that he will play with his feet or his seahorse in his crib and fall asleep on his own.  The other 50 he will start crying after about 10 minutes... so that is when I have been taking him to bed with me instead of trying to get him to go back to sleep in his crib.  This has just started the past week or so.  I used to only bring him into bed with us when he work up around 6 but now the time is creeping up...and he seems to be waking up usually twice a night (instead of once a night).

Every week is a new week and his sleep patterns change as he gets older.  4 months sleep regression, teething, etc.  I know it could be much worse and he could be up every two hours.

I'm just hoping for the day that I can sleep the entire night :)

1 comment:

  1. quit taking him to bed. He's getting too use to it:) Not good. Better to fight it out. eventually yo'll win! Good luck!
