
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Our First Vacation

Labor Day weekend Baby Woos took his first road trip to Savannah, Georgia.  One of my best friends also has a newborn son and we wanted to meet up with each other.  Since she lives close to Atlanta and we live in Charleston we thought that Savannah would be a good meet up point.  Her son is 3 days older than Baby Woos.  They are going to be best buds!

Donnie was a bit nervous about the whole trip because how much fun can you really have with two newborns...however he was happily surprised that our new additions made our trip that much better.  

We enjoyed our first night at Ruth Chris Steakhouse which is a finer restaurant. 

The babies slept through the dinner.  Baby Woos woke up around dessert time so I fed him a bottle and we enjoyed our desserts.  Not a single cry out of either baby...success

We brought our rock-n-play sleeper for Baby Woos to sleep in but he also liked to sleep on the bed while we got ready for the day.

The next day we walked around on River Street and stopped off at different restaurants for food and drink.  It was such a nice day to walk around and spend time together.

Every 3-4 hours we had to go back to the hotel which was a short walk away so Cortney and I could pump and feed our little ones.  It was also a nice relaxing break.

Cortney and I went through our pregnancies together and we will go through the same stages of our sons together.  We both learn from each other and it is so nice to experience problems and joys of parenting with someone who is so close to you that knows exactly what you are going through.

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