
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Feet Problems and Half Marathon

This past weekend my feet started to really hurt.  It felt as if I had run a marathon where all I was doing was cooking in my kitchen (barefoot).  So then I started to think that my feet were hurting because this past week I stopped doing bootcamp and my body wanted more exercise.  Well it comes to find out that according to my doctor, me no longer doing bootcamp really has nothing to do with my feet hurting and it actually is just a coincident.  Pregnant women in their third trimester often have feet problem due to their ligaments relaxing and overall swelling.  Plus, due to the natural weight gain during pregnancy, a woman's center of gravity is completely altered and this causes a new weight-bearing stance with added pressure to the knees and feet. 

Photo of Woman Clutching Her Foot

So what can I do?  When speaking with my doctor she said that you really should treat feet pain like you would if you were not pregnant... no more high heels, wear shoes with extra support, and a massage never hurts anything.  To reduce swelling and throbbing feet you should also put your feet up whenever possible and stretch your legs frequently. 

Pregnancy Symptoms = Overweight/Obese Symptoms ???
This is my opinion only...but I feel like a lot of problems associated with pregnancy are also problems associated with overweight and obese individuals: back pain, shortness of breath, hard to get up, feet pain (because of added weight), etc.  Really the list of similarities could go on forever.  I am so thankful that I have never been overweight to the point to ever have these problems on a daily basis.  I know that after Baby Woos is born getting rid of the baby weight is not only a necessity to look better but it is also a necessity to feel better.  Feeling some of these symptoms while pregnant is extra motivation for me wanting to get back to my best health!!

My first Half Marathon:
I know I may sound crazy but I have already thought of registering for my first 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles) in January (and plan on registering very soon so I can't change my mind).  The half marathon that I am looking at is in Charleston thereforeI will not have to travel anywhere so I don't have to worry about Baby Woos and traveling.  I also plan on running in the races that I did last year to help me get prepared for the big race.  In the beginning of September I will run in a 5K (hopefully the SOAR run again on Folly Beach), in October I want to run the James Island Connector 10K race, and in December I will run another 5K race for fun.  I know that running a half marathon is a huge goal but since I didn't do any training running for my first 5K or even for the 10K I think this will be a great fitness challenge for myself to get myself back in shape after Baby Woos.  I am already excited knowing that I will be starting up bootcamp again in August.  But with an added goal of completing a 1/2 marathon I will have to train my body to be able to run the distance. 
**(When I ran the 10K (6.2 miles) I did it in just under 63.)

Charleston Marathon

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