
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New Guest Room/Office

I haven't been in the mood to write lately because our poor cat has been in the emergency vet and now our normal vet since Sunday at 4:30 am.  Poor guy came home Saturday morning sick!  He wouldn't eat or drink and slept all day with the occasional cry.  Then Sunday morning around 3:00am I woke up to him throwing up and a comforter (where he was sleeping) full of blood.  Long story short- we came VERY close to saying our goodbyes but he made it through the first day with improving signs and then we decided on surgery since it was the only option to save his life.  Two bladder stones were removed from his bladder (where the x-ray only showed one).  Surgery went great and his vitals are all back to normal but he has to spend one more night at the vet so they can remove his catheter in the morning.  Trouble is such a tough cat but I can't believe how much he (and his momma) has been through these last few days.  I don't know if it is my pregnancy hormones or because I have had Trouble for 10 years but it has been an emotional roller-coaster. 

Trouble- When I moved him from our emergency vet to our normal vet for surgery.

New Guest Room/Office
Onto better and more exciting news.  On Saturday we completed the guest room/office.  This was a fun project- although Donnie was a but resistant in wanting to move his office.  So instead of completely removing his office we kept the computer and desk area devoted to the office. 
This is what we started with.  We didn't know if we should do a green or a orange color in the office.   We choose to go with the green colors.

Before Picture:
Starting to tape the room and move some supplies into the middle of the office.  The elliptical has been moved to the garage and is plugged in.  As I type, Donnie is actually riding the elliptical right now.  So although it is in the garage,  it is still going to get some use.  Our garage is actually a garage/man cave/office and now exercise room.

Here I am painting the desk area.  We chose a lighter green for the desk area.  We still need to replace the material actually on the desk but that will be much later down the road.

This was going to be the bedding prior to Trouble getting sick.  I really don't think the dry cleaners could have saved the comforter so I went out and bought a new bed set.

Finished Guest Room/Office:

Our New Completed Guest Room.  I am also much happier with this bed spread. 

View from walking into the guest room.

On my zebra in the corner I want to get a house plant for it...but haven't had the time yet.

Finished desk area.  The top four shelves I can use as decorations, while Donnie is using the bottom four shelves for his work.  Now I just need to figure out what I want to do with my shelves, but for now the pictures will work.  

We have been super busy in the house with the nursery, the patio/deck, and the guest room.  However, we are official done with all the big projects that I wanted to get done in our house.  We still have some odds and ends to do but I am so happy with all of our improvements.  


  1. Really looks wonderful. What a busy couple!

  2. Just got off the phone with the vet and Trouble ate like a pig this morning. He is doing good and the catheter was removed. Still waiting for him to pee. I can't wait to bring my cat home!!!
