
Saturday, March 9, 2013


Sarah and I (& Baby Woos)

Last night Donnie and I went out to dinner with two of our best friends- Sarah and Anthony.  We went to Pearlz and had a great time.  It had been such a long time that we have been able to spend some quality time with them and it got me to thinking that in between everything I do I need to make sure to make time for my friends.

I think everyone knows what I am talking about when I say that sometimes you just feel so busy in your daily schedule that you really don't have time  for anything.  But if I can make time to make sure that I exercise at least three times a week I can make sure that I make time to hang out with my friends.  Between doctors appointments, conferences for work, and just my daily routine I feel like I have been super busy!  I also tend to hibernate in the winter because when it gets dark outside I like to go to bed.  Since today is daylight savings time I know that I will begin to have more energy to do things after work besides eat dinner, read, and sleep.  And once it gets warm I can't wait to spend some time at the pool after work!

At dinner I was SOOO tempted to have an oyster but I restrained myself.  I love raw oysters but that is one rule I am not willing to break while being pregnant.  God forbid I would eat a bad oyster and be sick.  But don't these look so yummy:

Instead I setteled with the muscles.  These muscles were tasty but not as good as Wild Olive.  I just can't wait until after Baby Woos is born when I can have a dozen or two of raw oysters.  There has been more then one occasion that all I can think about is a plate of raw oysters-- I know I could ordered steamed but it just isn't the same.


Sarah and I did make a deal after dinner when the boys were joking around outside that we are going to have a girls only date soon and when my mom and sister come down in April we will have to repeat a girls only night.  Sarah has been such a huge part of my life!  We first met at Avondale Restuarant when we were both servers my first year of lawschool.  I then lived with her and her mom when I had packed all my items in storage waiting for the bar results (my plan was if I didn't pass the bar exam I was going to move back to New York).  I really have no idea what I would have done if Sarah and her mom didn't take me, Dallas, and Trouble into their home.  I am so lucky to have such a great friend.  Every friendship goes through their ups and downs but in the end great friends always work through their difference.

I guess I am being super setimental today-- it may be the pregnancy and mommy instincts talking-- but I had really great time last night and it made me realize that I need to stay in better touch with my girlfriends! 

Donnie & Ant

I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday.  I plan on watching some basketball and then working on my trials for next week.

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