
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby Woos at 17 Weeks

My Onion

17 Weeks:  Baby Woos is the size of an onion.  Our baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone.  Fat also begins to form, helping the baby's heart production and metabolism.  In addition, the umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker every day.  Baby weighs between 5 and 6 ounces now and is around 5.1 inches long from head to bottom.  Baby Woos can move his or her joints and sweat glands are now starting to develop.

Whats going on with me?  I may start to feel a bit off balanced.  As my belly grows, my center of gravity changes, so I may begin to occasionally feel a little unsteady on my feet.  I tend to trip over my own feet from time to time so I'm not sure I will notice any change.  Additionally, I may also notice that my eyes are becoming drier-- thankfully this is not a symptom that I am having.  Lastly, my skin is starting to stretch thinner as my bump continues to grow.  I haven't invested in any belly cream to prevent stretch marks so I think I will put this on my to do list this week.  

Holding Baby Woos


My doctor also advised me that I should be starting to feel movement this week or next.  I have no idea what this will feel like but I'm sure pretty strange.  It is really strange to think that Baby Woos is swimming around inside me.  As my doctor put it the baby is in a large fish tank now with plenty of room to move.  Not sure if I like that analogy but it is something to think about.  Last night while I was laying in bed I thought I might have felt something but it was short lived. 

Today at boot camp I was very proud of myself and I paid extra attention to my body.  My doctor said that I should be able to hold a conversation while exercising and I made sure that I followed her advise.  Boot Camp has become a part of my normal routine that I need and love so I know that if I want to continue it I need to let myself relax a little and go at a slower pace.  Although I am no longer finishing first or using a heavier weight I know that my body is already overworking to keep Baby Woos healthy so I am okay with finishing last.  Honestly I feel Great!  I'm feeling a little heavy because of the extra weight and bloating but for being pregnant I feel great. 

The Finished Look

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