
Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Zoo

From Youngest to Oldest:

I am an animal lover and our pets are really a part of the family.  They are a handful and require tons of attention.  I hope with the addition of Baby Woos it will be a smooth transition with my three trouble makers.

Cat Concerns:
I am very fortunate that Trouble does not use a litter box.  He is an indoor/outdoor cat and has always used the bathroom outdoors.  When we do go out of town and have a pet-sitter (aka our wonderful friends) we do keep a litter box in the house just in case.  Trouble mostly likes to hunt at night and sleep during the day.  But between 4 and 9 the cat likes to go in and out, in and out, and he actually knocks at the door to get in...which then in turn can lead to the dogs barking.

Cats often carry toxoplasmosis, which can lead to infection and is dangerous for pregnant women.  Toxoplasmosis is often found in cats feces and since we don't have a litter box I have one less worry.  However, they advise to also make sure to wear gloves while gardening to avoid any potential contact with feces.  Toxoplasmosis can also be contacted by eatting raw or undercooked meats (particularly lamb, venison, and pork.)  Opps.  I have already eatten my fair share of undercooked venison since my dad is such an amazing cook and makes the vension sooo tasty during Christmas.  On a positive note:  toxoplasmosis is extremely rare during pregnancy, occurring in only 2 out of every 1,000 births. 

Dog Concerns:
Barking: I LOVE having Dallas as a guard dog.  She does have a nasty, mean bark to keep intruders, the pizza man, Fed-Ex, strangers, etc. away.  It is actually entertaining to answer the door and see the UPS man jump off the front step with a package in hand because he is affraid of Dallas' bark.  However, when Dallas barks then Calli barks or visa versa.  When we tell them to stop barking, they stop barking but my concern is when Baby Woos is born I sure hope he or she is a hard sleeper. 

Attention Seekers: Calli definatly believes that she belongs on your lap when you are laying down on the couch.  Sometimes we will push her off but she makes sure that she finds her way back up on the couch.  She does have a bed that she will sleep in sometimes but she prefers the body warmth of us.  One exception: if we have the fire going then she prefers to sit in front of the fire.

Change in Behavior:  Some dogs become aloof and want nothing to do with you.  They could also become stressed and exhibit anxiety, such as pacing and excessive licking.  Other dogs may be may vocal in protection, barking and growling at others who approach you or the baby.  When my cousin had her twins their small dog hated the babies and wanted to attack them and constantly growled at them.  Eventually they had to get rid of their dog.  I'm pretty sure that we won't have a problem with Dallas or Calli but it is just a thought.  Dallas has been around small children and babies before and has been wonderful.  She also knows to play softer with puppies which is so cute.  Calli, on the other hand, likes to chase children if they are running, but I think its all in good fun.  I just hope they will continue to be such wonderful dogs! 

Another Day at the Beach

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby Woos at 17 Weeks

My Onion

17 Weeks:  Baby Woos is the size of an onion.  Our baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone.  Fat also begins to form, helping the baby's heart production and metabolism.  In addition, the umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker every day.  Baby weighs between 5 and 6 ounces now and is around 5.1 inches long from head to bottom.  Baby Woos can move his or her joints and sweat glands are now starting to develop.

Whats going on with me?  I may start to feel a bit off balanced.  As my belly grows, my center of gravity changes, so I may begin to occasionally feel a little unsteady on my feet.  I tend to trip over my own feet from time to time so I'm not sure I will notice any change.  Additionally, I may also notice that my eyes are becoming drier-- thankfully this is not a symptom that I am having.  Lastly, my skin is starting to stretch thinner as my bump continues to grow.  I haven't invested in any belly cream to prevent stretch marks so I think I will put this on my to do list this week.  

Holding Baby Woos


My doctor also advised me that I should be starting to feel movement this week or next.  I have no idea what this will feel like but I'm sure pretty strange.  It is really strange to think that Baby Woos is swimming around inside me.  As my doctor put it the baby is in a large fish tank now with plenty of room to move.  Not sure if I like that analogy but it is something to think about.  Last night while I was laying in bed I thought I might have felt something but it was short lived. 

Today at boot camp I was very proud of myself and I paid extra attention to my body.  My doctor said that I should be able to hold a conversation while exercising and I made sure that I followed her advise.  Boot Camp has become a part of my normal routine that I need and love so I know that if I want to continue it I need to let myself relax a little and go at a slower pace.  Although I am no longer finishing first or using a heavier weight I know that my body is already overworking to keep Baby Woos healthy so I am okay with finishing last.  Honestly I feel Great!  I'm feeling a little heavy because of the extra weight and bloating but for being pregnant I feel great. 

The Finished Look

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Maternity Clothes

Well today I dediced that I needed to adjust my wardrobe and buy some maternity clothes.  Last weekend was the last time that I will be able to button my jeans and fit into my work skirts without unzippping them half-way and using my belly band.

my normal clothes with belly band

I am so happy that the "in" look right now is leggings with boots and a longer shirt.  I can wear maternity clothes and not look like an umpa lumpa (from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).

Here is what I came up with today:

my new purchases

Yes that is a a whopping 4 shirts.  I also did invest in a black skirt with a built in belly band and another belly band that is white.  Maternity shopping just wasn't that much fun... or maybe I just needed my mom to throw clothes at me to try on.  She really is the best shopper to shop with.  Also when I was trying on maternity jeans and pants I swear it made my belly look double in size so I think I will stick to my belly band with my jeans until I really can't fit into them anymore.

I did look at maternity bathing suits but didn't really see anything too cute.. plus I want to see if my bottoms still fit and then just get a top.  I know it is still January and I am worried about a bathing suit but my husband and I are going on a cruise to the Bahamas the end of next month so I want to be prepared.  I don't really want Baby Woos to hang out of my bikini.  Although I can't drink I am excited to get out of Charleston and relax with my husband!!  (plus we wont have cellphone service- Hollalula)

One good thing from my short shopping experience is that I did figure out that I am a medium in almost everything so maybe I'll try to order some clothes online and see how that goes.  You would think Charleston would have more then one maternity store to choose from but it doesn't. 

What are some good maternity stores to shop at online?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Food for Thought

Finally back to Home.  I love going to Alabama every year but their is something to say about sleeping in your own bed, eatting on your time schedule, and being able to get outdoors and out of florcent lighting. 

Here is one more clip I highly recommend to everyone:  Being a Public Defender is NOT easy.

Baby Talk:
Today I had another doctors appointment to hear our babies heartbeat.  I can't beleive how fast the babies heartbeat is.  Baby Woos has a completly healthy heartbeat and everything sounds perfect so we are thrilled!!  Our next big appointment is February 22nd where we find out if Baby Woos is a baby girl or boy.  So excited. 

Fun Fact:  Pregnancy myth suggests that an unborn baby's heart rate can predict the baby's gender, with faster heart rates (above 140 bpm) indicating a girl and slower heart rates indicating a boy. The basis for this is the faster metabolism of baby girls.  If this myth holds any water then we are looking at a baby girl.

Headaches and Dizziness:
When I was discussing my headaches and dizzy spells with my doctor she told me that I need to make sure to get more protein in my diet.  Unfortunatly meat is not appealing these days so now I am trying to figure out how to get extra protein.  My mom did suggest I try using different spices and seasonings too-- I hope this helps for chicken.

I am good about eatting an egg every morning.  Call me crazy but one fried egg on a multi-grain English Muffin with jaolpenos and avocado is sooo tasty.  Sometimes I do mix it up and add spinach and mushrooms too.  Yummy!!

I also try to snack on nuts or apples with peanut butter but I know that is not going to cut it.  After doing some quick research I found that I can adjust my diet just slightly and I will be good to go.

Lunch Addition: 
 Greek Yogurt:  Chobani contains only natural ingredients so it’s a naturally good for you indulgence. Chobani has two times more protein per serving than regular yogurt and each serving you will find 13-18g of protein.  One cup of yogurt at lunch can act as both my dessert and my protein. 

Dinner Substitute:
Quinoa contains all of the essential amino acids, making it a "complete protein". Just one cup of cooked quinoa contains 18 grams of protein, as well as nine grams of fiber.  I recently started eatting Quinoa so instead of my pasta I am going to have to substitute in quinoa.  I made a fabulous stuffed peppers recipe with quinoa a month or so ago and I also made a chicken and quinoa bake with artichokes and broccoli to die for so I think I will add that to my menu this week. 

Simple Enough!  Since I already eat an egg for breakfast and nuts with fruit for snacks these simple fixes will get me enough protein a day.  I am lucky that I love my vegetables and I don't have to worry about changing my diet too much. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Being Stuck in a Hotel

    Being inside a hotel all weekend long isn't fun.  Although I am learning important information I am stuck in class from 9 til 5:30 and then have dinner banquets to attend.  It seems like all we do is sit and eat, sit and eat, and repeat.  

    On Friday morning I was proud of myself for waking up at 6:15 and hitting the hotel gym.  I ran a 5k on the elliptical in 28:15 and I was pretty happy.  I forgot how much easier it is to run on a machine then it is to run outside.  I also found myself slowing down a little because my heart rate was getting over 160 but that's another story.

    Reasons to run inside:
    1. The machine Allows you to always see your pace that you are running and what your heartbeat is.  I know you can wear a watch that does the same thing to keep your pace on track but I find it easier when it is on the screen ahead of you where you don't have to look down at your wrist.  (plus, I don't have a watch that does this so I may feel differently if I did.)

    2.  The machine gives you an extra push.  On the elliptical I love using the arms too.

    3.  I know that anytime I can get off and stop.  This may sound strange but when I know that I can step off the machine at anytime I tend to run farther.  After the first 20 minutes or so it becomes fun doing sprints while watching your pace, and pushing yourself to limits.  I always like to run to even miles or times so my routine usually always gets extended so I can end on an even number.

    After my run I did some lunges with weights, burpees, pushups, & lower abs.  I wanted to add a few more exercises but the space was small and I really didn't want to do jumping jacks & candlesticks in front of the others in the gym.  The exercises don't look silly in bootcamp but only by myself I decided to pass.  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Flying While Pregnant

Well I'm off to Alabama today for my annual SPDTC (Southern Public Defender Training Center) conference.  I go to Alabama twice a year to meet with this amazing group of talented lawyers.  I became part of the SPDTC community, now renamed Gideon's Promise, back in 2009 when I was with the same 20 lawyers for 2 weeks in class from 9 to 9 everyday to learn how to become a better public defender and to learn about what needs to be done to reform indigent defense in the South.

SPCTC Conference in July 2009
 Right now, 3 of these attorneys are at the Sundance Film Festival in Salt Lake City with Dawn Porter who filmed a documentary on the SPDTC.  Go to to see more about this.  The documentary will be showed on HBO this Spring and hey you may even see me in the background :) 


Flying While Pregnant:

So since I will be flying to Alabama it got me to thinking is Flying Safe While Pregnant and specifically what about the new Full Body Scans?

Flying is completely safe during the second trimester.  Many practitioners don't advise to fly after 36 weeks but that is a ways away so I don't need to worry about that now.

Full Body Scans are still questionable in my mind.  Here is what I found out: Walking through a metal detector at the airport, or the court house, is considered safe for everyone, since it only uses a low-fequence electromagnetic field to look for weapons.  However, the new body scanners at the TSA uses low-level X-rays.  The Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) claims the potential for dangerous radiation exposure from the backscatter machine is low and that it doesn't pose a significant risk to pregnant passengers. The agency says each scan emits less than 1/1,000 of the radiation given off in a standard chest X-ray, or the equivalent of two minutes of high-altitude flight.  But some medical experts have questioned whether the machines have been tested thoroughly enough and they're worried about what would happen if a machine malfunctioned.  On the safe side you can opt out of the full body scanner and get a patdown by one of the TSA agents.

The Mayo Clinic also offers tips for Pregnant woman when they fly:
  • Check the airline's policy about air travel during pregnancy. Guidelines for pregnant women may vary by carrier and destination.
  • Choose your seat carefully. For the most space and comfort, request an aisle seat.
  • Buckle up. During the trip, fasten the lap belt under your abdomen and across the tops of your thighs.
  • Promote circulation. If possible, take occasional walks up and down the aisle. If you must remain seated, flex and extend your ankles often.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Low humidity in the cabin can lead to dehydration.

I'm still early enough in my pregnancy where I am really not concerned about flying but I am going to opt out of the full body scan.  I also found it interesting that the TSA is removing all of their Rapiscan machines from airports by June 2013 due to privacy concerns- not radiation.  If the TSA is not sure about their machines yet I am not going to trust their opinion that the machines are safe during pregnancy.  Since their is a simple solution to just avoid the machine I am going to avoid the machine and have one less thing to worry about to make sure Baby Woos is alright.



Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Baby Woos at 16 Weeks

Baby Woos at 16 weeks

So what is going on at 16 weeks?  According to My Pregnancy app on my phone I should get ready for a growth spurt.  In the next few weeks, my baby will double his or her weight and add inches in length.  Right now, my baby is about the size of an avocado: 4.5 inches long (head to rump) and 3.5 ounces.

Our baby's legs are much more developed, his or head is more erect than it has been, and his or her eyes have moved closer to the front of the head.  The baby's ears are close to their final position, too. Whats really cool is that tiny bones are forming in baby's ears so he or she can now pick up on my voice. :)  Taste buds are now forming as well so I hope that Baby Woos continues to like hot and spicy food because mommy loves hot and spicy especially now!
Inside our baby's heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to rise.
What is happening with me?  Thanks to increasing blood flow, I should begin to enjoy quick-growing hair and nails, smooth and firm skin, and a healthy glow. :)

I am sad to say that I think this may be one of the last weeks that I can fully button my size 6 jeans.  In this picture my pants are still buttoned but I like wearing my "belly band" to hold things in place and if my pants do become uncomfortable I can unbutton them and put the band to work. 

You may be asking what in the world is a belly band.  Well after talking to my good friend Kristina who has two children she said that this band was her saviour so I took her advise and bought one from Motherhood Maternity.  This is my first piece of maternity clothing, and I don't think I can even actually consider this to be clothing as much as it isan accessory.  I know soon I will have to fight the bullet and go maternity shopping but for now I like my belly band.

The Tummy Sleeve By MotherhoodTHE TUMMY SLEEVE IS PERFECT FOR:

that in-between stage, when your pre-pregnancy pants are just a little too tight and maternity pants are still too big

layering under maternity tops or for extra
coverage while nursing

after baby, as you transition back into your
pre-pregnancy pants

What were your favorite maternity stores and clothing items to buy?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

You Learn Something New Every Day

Things that Happen While Pregnant that I've never heard of...

I think that everyone has heard about women getting morning sickness during the first trimester.  Luckily, I was not one of these people so during my first trimester I didn't really have any bad symptoms of being pregnant.  Onto my second trimester and not only are my clothes not fitting I have been experiencing some new symptoms that come to find out are normal during pregnancy. 
1. Headaches

The primary culprit is, as usual, the hormonal changes you're going through. Other causes of headaches might be fatigue, tension, increased hunger during pregnancy, physical or emotional stress, overheating, or a combination of any or all of these.

I have always had headaches and my remedy has been to take excedrin, wait 5 minutes, and my headache is gone.  But unfortuantly you can't take excedrin when pregnant.  The only drug that you are allowed to take is acetaminophen, aka tynelol, which doesn't do anything for me.  My doctor even prescribed me medicine similar to loratab and this does not relieve my headaches.  The only way I can get rid of my headache, probably more of a migraine, is to put ice on my head and lay down in bed with the blinds closed.  My prescribed medicine helps me go to sleep so with the ice and a long nap I usually wake up feeling better.  I have to admit the pain was so bad twice that I broke down and had excedrin.  I told me doctor and she said once in a blue moon the medicine isn't going to harm you but do NOT use it as your daily remedy. 

Experts Advice:  
  • To prevent stress from building up and turning into a tension headache, take a prenatal yoga class, meditate, or do some breathing exercises — anything that'll help you relax.
  • For all kinds of headaches, keep eating — the low blood sugar that results from skipping meals can trigger a headache.

Next week I hope to start prenatal yoga classes so I am hoping that these classes may help with my headaches. 

2. Bloody Nose
Nosebleeds During Pregnancy     
I have not had a typical bloody nose but every time I blow my nose I am always blowing out blood, and blood clots.... GROSS. 

Nosebleeds during pregnancy are more common as the blood vessels in the body expand and the volume of blood pumping through the body expand during pregnancy. Being pregnant can increase the pressure in the blood vessels in your nose, contributing to nosebleeds.

Expert Advice:
  • Try using a humidifier in your room at night to keep the air moist in your room. Dry air can dry out mucous membranes and contribute to nosebleeds.
  • Avoid blowing too hard particularly when you have a cold. Use soft tissue products like those with aloe to help soothe your nose.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of fluids during the day to keep your mucous membranes functioning properly. Dry mucous membranes are more likely to bleed than well hydrated ones.
I am going to invest in a humidifier (and then keep it in the babies room) and drink more water.  Hope this helps!  I have never (knock on wood) had  afull nose bleed and hope I never will have one.   

3. You hate foods you used to love

Yes I have heard of food cravings and a new found love for pickles and icecream but I did not think that I would start to hate certain foods that I used to love.

Why? Hormonal changes can really throw your body out of whack and make you feel nauseous. As a result, pregnant women can suddenly be turned off by foods they used to love. They also have a heightened sense of smell, which can throw you off certain foods.

My food list is short right now but it includes bananas, fish, and shrimp.

Bananas- I just recently fell in love with a new shake that included 1/2 a banana, peanut butter, and almond/coconut milk.  What is not to love?  I was so happy that I found it to be sooo delicious because it was a way for me to get more calicum and  then about two weeks ago the smell and taste of bananas really made me sick.  At first I thought it was just the texture, then it was the smell too, and the taste. Yuck!

Fish and Shrimp-  I think the reason why I can't eat fish or shrimp now is because the smell is overpowering to me.  Normally mahi mahi is not a "fishy" fish but last time I tried to eat it I had to give it to my husband to eat because the taste was way to "fishy" for me.  Same goes for shrimp-- I ordered a shrimp bisque the other day and the smell was a major turn off!!  But just over Christmas I was eatting shrimp cocktail and loving every last bite of each shrimp.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Races while Pregnant?

Race Fun:

Since I have been pregnant with Baby Woos I have completed in a Marine Mud Run (see ), a 10K, and a 5K (see ).  I have to admit that Baby Woos was in the very early stages during the Mud Run since they actually start the date of of pregnancy from the date of your last period and obviously I did not know I was pregnant at the time of the race.

[On a side note, the blogs I refer you to above are from my boot camp instructor and friend.  She has been the person to really make me enjoy exercising again and she is the one that has given me a new love for competing in races.  The first race that I ever competed in was in August 2012 with her and her husband.  Now I love looking ahead for new races and challenges.]

                     Mud Run from October 2012-   (just an egg- dated 1 week)

                       Reindeer 5K from December 2012- (9 weeks Pregnant)

So why am I mentioning the runs now?  As I said above I have a new love for competing in races but how much exsercise and running should I do when I am pregnant.  In February my friend Kristi and I are planning to sign up for the Race and Roast which is a 5K through an old plantation followed by an oyster roast.  Yum!!  I don't plan on setting a new PR but I just hope to run the entire race.

After that 5K I may have to run/walk other races until after Baby Woos is born, but why?
  • Blurred Vision
  • Dizziness
  • Heavy Feeling
These are some of the symptoms that I have been having while working out and it got to me to thinking that I may have to go ahead and invest in a heart heart monitor and figure out how I can stop the dizziness and blurred vision.  Some people would stop exercising all together if they experienced blurred vision but I am not one of them.  In the past, when I have not been pregnant, sometimes after a hard set of one exercise, and especially during bikram yoga, I would feel dizzy and my vision would blur.  My remedy was to just sit there stare ahead, drink some water, and I would be fine in a few seconds.  My instuctor in Bikram yoga, which is a hot yoga, even said in class that it was normal to feel dizzy so I have always excepted that these dizzy spells were normal.  Now that I have Baby Woos inside me forming I am more cautious about these dizzy spells and need to try and prevent them.

I think the 2 culprits for feeling this way are:  (of course at my next doctors appointment I will ask her if she has any other suggestions)

Low Blood Sugar
Your body uses sugar, in the form of glucose, to fuel most of its functions. If you don't get enough to eat, your body will not have enough glucose, a condition referred to as hypoglycemia. It is a common condition in those with diabetes but can occur in people who don't have it. If you are exercising in the morning before eating breakfast or missing meals, your blood sugar will usually be low, which can lead to dizziness. Other symptoms, such as nausea, increased heart rate and trembling may also occur. Eating at least two to four hours before exercising can help avoid low blood sugar. If you forgot to eat a full meal, eating a smaller snack such as crackers or fruit before exercise can help. Dizziness that occurs during exercise due to low blood sugar can be remedied by drinking a fruit juice or other snack high in sugar.

Blurred Vision can also be caused by hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. You may experience this while exercising because your body is using your stored glucose for energy. Among other symptoms, the Mayo Clinic reports, hypoglycemia can cause blurred vision, heart palpitations, tremor, anxiety and even loss of consciousness. To prevent your vision from getting blurry from hypoglycemia, eat before you work out.

Blood Pressure Spikes
Vigorous exercise can cause a temporary spike in your blood pressure because of the increase in your heart rate. Weightlifting can have the same effect. The long-term benefits of regular, moderate exercise far outweigh the risk of a temporary spike for most people. However, even a momentary increase in blood pressure can cause blurred vision, headaches and dizziness. Listen to your body while exercising; if it is telling you to stop or slow down, do so.

For now I am going to try and eat a better breakfast before heading to bootcamp first thing in the morning.  I also have to remember that I am pregnant and not being the 1st in the class to finish is alright!  Other runners have run well into their pregancy.  I know that everyone is different and the number one thing for me to do is to LISTEN TO MY BODY.  If it tells me to stop, STOP.

In addition I am going to invest in a heart rate monitor and learn where my heart rate should be.  Once I figure out all of that I will let you know how I enjoy the monitor and if it helps.

And- lastly but probably the most important I will talk to my doctor and get her professional opinion as to what I should do.  The last time we spoke, she said that I could continue with my boot camp and running but to cut down my intensity level.  She told me that I should work out at a level like I was nursing an injury.  It is hard for me to slow down, so in future classes and runs I will do my best to slow down!  I think the heart rate monitor will help in keeping me at the right intensity level.

Have you ever felt dizzy or had blurred vision while working out?

Have you ever used a heart rate monitor that you like?

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Read more:

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sleeping and Pregnancy


I never knew that sleeping was going to be such a pain in the butt while being pregnant.  Not only do I wake up during the middle of the night EVERY night to pee but I can not get comfortable.  Pregnancy books all tell you that you should no longer sleep on your back and sleep on your left side, but why?  When I think about how I slept before I was pregnant, I don't think I ever slept on my back.  But now that I shouldn't sleep on my back I want to sleep on my back.  Isn't it strange that you always seem to want the things you can't or shouldn't have?


Sleeping on Your Left Side (and not your back):

Here's a quick anatomy lesson that will help us understand why this sleeping position is recommended:
The vena cava is a large vein that begins around the area of your belly button. It is the vein that is responsible for bringing all the unoxygenated blood from your lower extremities to your heart. This blood is delivered to the right side of your heart, sent through your lungs to get oxygen, circulates back to the left side of your heart and expresses out to your brain and body. Specifically, it is sending blood to the uterus, which is providing all the blood and oxygen to your baby.
Experts recommend that pregnant women not sleep on their backs during the second and third trimesters because of the weight of the growing uterus and baby pressing the vena cava. If compressed, it can interfere with optimum circulation (and circulation is a pregnancy's best friend).  If you're sleeping on your back it can also lead to muscle aches and pains which is uncomfortable for you and again can reduce circulation to your baby.  If this occurs for a long period of time, it can potentially decrease the blood flow and therefore nutrients – to your baby.  When you lay on your left side, the uterus is no longer compressing the vena cava. 

Must Learn to Relax:

I think one of the reasons that I don't sleep that well is that when I wake up I'm usually laying more on my stomach rather then my side.  Although I have not found any research that sleeping on your stomach is bad for the baby, I am conscious that I should be on my left side and it is not always so comfortable.  I'm learning to relax more and realize that if something was wrong I would be feeling dizzy, sweaty, & nauseous-- which has never happened to me while sleeping.   

So when I get into bed every night I have two king size pillows on both my left and right sides of me, plus many more pillows for my head.  Yes, I have a real love for pillows.  Having the pillows at my sides have really helped me get more comfortable since I hug my legs around one and place the other under my back a little to keep me on my side. 
Have you ever had problems with sleeping while pregnant?  If so, what did you do to get a better nights sleep?

Read more:

Friday, January 18, 2013

Recap of First Trimester

Baby Woos at around 9 weeks

Baby Woos at 11 weeks

Baby Woos-14 weeks:  Welcome to 2nd Trimester

First Trimester:

Since I am already onto my second trimester now I will do a short recap of my first tri-mester.

To be honest with you I didn't realize that I was pregnant until I ran the 10K with my friend Becky.  It was the first 10K I ever ran but towards the end something just didn't feel right.  It felt like I was going to pee my pants.  So that weekend after the race I bought a home pregnancy test and sure enough it said I was pregnant.  I showed my husband (at 5:30 am) and we couldn't believe it.  So 30 minutes later I peed on another stick and I was still pregnant.

That weekend was my first sober experience at our friends wedding and WOW wedding dancing is very entertaining.  My husband was so excited that he told "a few" of his close friends.  A few meaning all the groomsmen in our wedding plus some.  :)

Morning Sickness and other Symptoms:

Lucky for me I did not have morning sickness.  What a blessing.  The only time I felt a little sick was during boot camp but I probably just drank too much water.  I also noticed that I had to start eatting before boot camp or else I would get dizzy.  My class is at 6:30 am so I used to not eat before class. 

Besides my tummy growing I didn't feel that much different in my first tri-mester.  That is until week 12 and 13 when my tummy just started to get in the way and my clothes were starting to get tight.  Oh and I was always hungry!!!

Exercise Frustrations:

In the begining I didn't notice too much of a difference, except that I felt heavier when running and I couldn't do a full sit-up.  Seriously one day I was doing full sit-ups and the next I couldn't sit up.  It really was the strangest thing and it frustrated me.  Early in December I even ran a 5K while I was 8 weeks pregnant and got my PR.

Towards the end of my first trimester I also had to modify certain exercises so all the blood didn't rush to my head.  I'm still doing full burpies, lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks, candlesticks, etc.  I just really have to listen to my body and know when to rest and let my heart rate come down.

I know that second trimester is not going to be as easy!

Why Baby Woos?

I don't really know how to start a blog but I will give it a try.  I think the easiest way to figure out why I want to blog is best answered by the who, what, where, why analysis that we all learned in school.

Who:  I am a 31 year old criminal defense attorney who loves her wine and food, who loves to exercise and push herself to unknown limits, and who is pregnant with her first child.  Although I am no longer enjoying wine I am still trying to maintain being as active as my body will allow me to be. 

What:  I'm not exactly sure how this blog is going to shape out but I hope to blog about being pregnant, the obstacles that I am having, and any adventures that we have.  Since I also love wine and food so much I will post some of my favorite food creations, and any fails or successes from pintrest recipes.  Being pregnant my taste buds are ever so changing so I do having some strange cravings, mostly hot and spicy foods.

Where:  I am originally from New York, my husband is from Kentucky, and we now live in Charleston, South Carolina.  Yes I am a transplanted Yankee to the South.  I don't like grits, sweet tea, or fried chicken. My favorite teams are Syracuse, the Yankees, and Kentucky (my husbands team). Also when I say New York, I need to clarify and say upstate New York in the country.  I really am a country girl at heart but love living in beautiful Charleston. 

Why:  The main reason for this blog is to keep others up to date with my pregnancy and then hopefully the little one once our child is born.  Pregnancy is not as easy as I imagined and I'm sure that their are other people in my shoes.  I really want to track how my belly grows and think it will be something nice to look back on once our baby is born.  Currently I am 15 weeks pregnant.  Every week I hope to have a new baby bump picture to upload.  I am active in boot camp 3 days a week and I hope to continue boot camp until my body tells me no.  Since I've been pregnant Baby Woos has completed a Marine Mud Run (I didn't know yet that I was pregnant), a 10K run, and a 5K run.  Being pregnant and not being able to do the same physical things is pretty frustrating.  I mean I know that my baby is the size of an apple now but I can not do a full sit-up.  Little things like this no one tells you about!

When:  I'll try to blog regularlly.  This weekend there may be a blog overload but I just want to catch everyone up on Baby Woos.