
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Growing Up

I cant believe how grown up Baby Woos is getting.  This week is our first week of having a babysitter watch him two days a week while mommy and daddy can work with no distractions.  We are extremely lucky that Dylan is going to our friends house who has a son a month older that him.  Our friend is a stay at home mom so this works out perfectly.  I'm not sure that I could have agreed to drop Dylan off at a complete stranger's house or at a day-care.

They love playing with each other.  They will also be able to learn from each other. 

Some other devolpments this past week include Dylan saying ra ra ra and "mom" or ma ma.  I don't think that he is saying any words with meaning yet and it is more of his babbles but soon very soon he will be saying words.

Baby Woos also tried baby yogurt and he loves it--- as long as I heat it up.  One day he will like food and a bottle that is not warmed up but that day has not come and I don't see it coming for a while.

Baby Woos also is enjoying reading books or chewing books more and more every day.

And lastly out big boy can now go in a shopping cart when we go shopping.  He loves to look around and see what is going on.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

6 month Stats

Our boy is growing:

Height:  28.25 inches; 96%
Weight: 19 pounds 13 ounces; 86%
Head Circumference: 18 inches; 97%

Our 6 month well-visit went great.  Baby Woos is a healthy growing baby boy.  Doctor said he was a very strong boy.  While he was getting measured he kept "practicing his sit-ups" by picking up his head and feet at the same time.  He is also teething and his gums are swollen- so any day his bottom two teeth should be coming in.


 At 6 months Baby Woos loves to sit up on his own.  He is staying up longer and longer every day.  He can play with his toys better while sitting which is encouraging him to sit for longer periods.

Baby Woos is also always flipping into his stomach anytime we lay him on his back.  And the past few nights he has been flipping over on his tummy in his crib.  Last night he spent a good 3 hours on his tummy sleeping.  Although Baby Woos slept mommy didn't because she kept watching the monitor making sure he was alright.  I know he is safe on his tummy but the first night just made me a little uneasy.  One night I will get a full night of sleep again... hopefully sometime in the near future :)


Monday, January 13, 2014

Breastfeeding: We made it 6 Months!

My original goal with Dylan was to breastfeed him for 6 months and we made it.  I must admit that although breastfeeding is a second job it almost seemed natural after the first couple of months.  Since we made it to the 6 month mark I am going to try and continue as long as I can without it havin it be my second job.

I am very thankful that Dylan and I haven't had any problems along the way.  There were a few days that I stressed out because I didn't think I was producing enough but then my body caught back up to what Dylan was drinking.  Having a freezer stash really makes it less stressful.  My freezer stash is not big but I probably have 10-15 bottles of milk frozen. 

After our 4 month appointment I was more stressed because our doctor told us to feed Dylan more then 4 ounces at a time.  I didn't know how I would do this because I had just gotten into a good rhythm of him drinking 3 4 ounce bottles a day and then nursing the rest of the day.  But I went into some of my stash and made some 6 ounce bottles for Dylan to try.  For the most part Dylan will only drink 5ounces at a time.  There are those rare times that he can drink 7 ounces but that is rare.  Although you would think he would want more to drink at one time Dylan tells us when he is full and I'm not going to force him to eat more.  He is gaining weight just fine. 

We feed him bottles and I nurse him.  I try to keep it consistent and always offer a bottle at his first real feeding in the morning but for the remainder of the day it really is mixed up if he is nursed or bottle fed-- depends if I'm working or if we have company or if we are running errands, etc.  I also always nurse in the middle of the night-- yes the MIDDLE of the night.  We had two blissful days where Dylan slept through the night but since those two nights he has been waking 1-2 times a night.  I don't know if he is really hungry or if he is comfort nursing in the middle of the night.  One day I will get a full night of sleep.  :)

I really love breast feeding.  I knew that I always wanted to breast feed because it is better for the baby but I didn't realize how much I love it.  I love the bonding time with Dylan but I also love how easy it is.  If he is hungry I don't have to stop what I'm doing and I can just nurse him.   If we are out of the house and I forget to bring a bottle I can nurse him.  And even better-- when I am tired I can side-nurse him and he usually falls asleep into a nap; plus I get to rest my eyes for a few minutes.  I used to side-nurse more then I should in the early morning hours but now Dylan is in his crib until it is time to wake up for the day.  (Sidenote-- when Dylan is time to wake up for the day he now lays in his crib and talks to himself.  Its so sweet to wake up to him talking in the monitor vs. his cries in the middle of the night.) 

A sure way to get Dylan to nap is to side-nurse him to sleep.  This is a catch 22 because it works almost every time but the problem is he has learned to roll over and we can't leave him in our bed unattended anymore since this is where he falls asleep.  Naptime is something that we need to work on because its not consistent.  Another plus to breastfeeding is that if you have a fussy child usually a sure way for them to stop fussing is to nurse. 

Dylan really loves to nurse- but he always loves his bottle.  I think it is sweet (although frustrating) when he will refuse a bottle because he wants to nurse.  However- he also has refused the boob before and just wanted a bottle--- and then it breaks my heart a little.


Those are my thoughts on breastfeeding.  I really do love breast feeding.  Every mother will have their own experiences with breast feeding and these are mine.  I don't judge any mother who doesn't breatfeed because so many women suffer from low production, flat nipples, tongue-tie in baby, pain, etc..  I will admit the first two weeks (maybe less) it hurt-- but just for a second at the beginning of each feed.  And then once that passed it was my second job since you have to nurse every 3 hours around the clock.  And then the job increases because you have to introduce the pump to make bottles and start a stash, etc.  But I was on maternity leave so I didn't have to worry about going to work.  Now as I type this and look back at my nursing experience I can't believe how much easier it has gotten. 

I did have one hiccup along the way.  The first breast-pump we bought was Dr. Browns and I was not producing enough with this pump at all.  During one of my late night feedings I read on a blog about a manual pump that one mom used-- it was only $30 so I bought it and fell in love with it because I was producing.  But after using it for a couple weeks my wrist hurt so much from pumping I knew I needed to do something... so during another middle of the night nursing session I purchased my medela pump and I love it.  It takes 10-12 minutes  (and really sometimes only 5-7) and I have enough for a bottle.  I wish I had this pump from the beginning.  It also comes with a  car adapter so I can pump in the car which makes it so conveintant for road trips and for when I'm working since I drive all the time for court.  With all this being said- my breastfeeding relationship is so positive because I also have a great pump that I rely on. 

WOW-- that's a lot of writing.  Its alright if you didn't read it all... it is more for me to look at years from now or for other new mom's wondering if they should breast feed or now.  I highly recommend it.  I hope I can make it to a year... day by day; month by month-- we will see how this goes!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

6 Months Old

Baby Woos is 6 Months Old.  Time is flying by. 

He is so thrilled I'm taking his picture here:

His 6 Month Well Visit isn't until the 14th so I don't have all of his new measurements... but I will share them on the 14th.

What Baby Woos Loves:

- He loves rolling over onto his tummy.  The only problem is once he is done playing on his tummy he seems to have forgotten how to roll to his back so he will cry.

-He loves to sit up on his own to play with his toys.

-Loves any toy that lights up and makes noise.

-He is also starting to like books.  He looks at the pictures more and more before he starts chewing on them.

Acting so Serious:


-He Loves Eating Real long as mommy makes it from scratch.  His favorite food is sweet potatos.  We tried to give him butternut squash from the jar and he was not a fan.  I'm going to make homemade squash this weekend and see how he likes it.  He also wasn't a fan of banana.... I think because when you heat up banana the texture is strange and he doesn't like cold food yet.

-Drinking from his own cup with a straw

-His main source of food still comes from his mama.  I'm very proud to say that we have made it 6 months on only breast milk.  Not one drop of formula.  I am going to continue to breast feed- hopefully to 1 year.  It really has gotten easier because I think I finally have the hang of it and with him eating some solids its less milk I need to produce.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Years Eve

Happy New Year!

This year we went to our friends house to celebrate the new year.  Our intention was to stay just a little while but before we knew it we were close to midnight so we stayed.  Baby Woos slept for a while but was up with us to bring in the new year!

He loves playing with his "Uncle" Anthony.
New Years Resolution:

2013 was a great year with the birth of Baby Woos.  2014 is going to be even better watching Baby Woos grow.  I am also going to take this year to start taking care of myself more with clean eating, exercise, and some "me" time.  After having Baby Woos it took a while for my body to get back to normal in terms of size and strength.  Although I am still very weak and not fit my body is strong enough now for me to do push-ups, sit-ups, and other exercises without any problems so there is no more excuses why I can't get back into shape.

Being healthy and in shape make me feel so much better.  The first couple of weeks are going to be hard to stick with healthy eating and exercise but once I get into the swing of it again it will become second nature.  I want to start to run in races again and feel good while running... so 2014 is going to be the year to get my bootie back into shape and then maybe I will be able to run in a half marathon in the fall.  Originally I really wanted to run in the 1/2 marathon this month but I had no idea how much 2 days of labor and a csection was going to effect my strength. 

2014 is going to be a great year!